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e„o ~,cF 852 <br />19 Option C - Due to the termination of the County's maintenance contract <br />with the City of Sanford and the questions surrounding our existing <br />system, cancel Phase III and issue refunds immediately. <br />No action was taken on the matter. <br />County Manager William Cowan discussed with the Board a proposed joint <br />resolution with the City of Sanford to resolve water issues in the 1996 Operation and <br />Maintenance Agreement. Much discussion took place concerning the joint resolution <br />but no action was taken on the matter. <br />Human Resource Director Patsy Rogers passed out information concerning <br />potential cost cutting measures for health insurance for county employees. Mrs. Rogers <br />had obtained information from Catawba County outlining a walk-in medical clinic they <br />have for all county employees and all retirees who are covered under their retiree <br />insurance plan. She stated that Moore County is also considering this service. Her <br />recommendation to the Board was to appoint a committee to study the issue. The <br />Board asked Mrs. Roger's to contact the City of Sanford to see if they would be <br />interested in pursing a combined walk-in medical clinic with Lee County employees. <br />No action was taken on the matter. <br />Commissioner Adams briefly discussed xvith the Board a company called Southern <br />Health Partners, Inc. that provides medical, dental, and mental health services to <br />inmates in small and medium-sized county jail facilities. Mr. Adams stated that <br />currently Brunswick and Pender Counties are using this service. Mr. Adams suggested <br />that the Board might be interested in having someone come and do a presentation to see <br />if Lee County could save money for jail inmate services. No action was taken on the <br />matter. <br />Finance Director Lisa Minter and County Manager William Cowan discussed the <br />following financial matters with the Board: <br />• Budget projections for FY 2003-2004 <br />• Projected shortfall for FY 2003-2004 which is $1,273,979 <br />• Non-recurring expenses <br />• FY 2004-2005 revenue projections <br />• Tax base analysis as of March 29, 2004 <br />• FY 2004-2005 projected expenditures <br />• Major expenditures for FY 2004-2005 <br />• FY 2004-2005 preliminary budget shortfall <br />• Available fund balance projection for FY 2003-2004 <br />County Manager William Cowan discussed new position requests and <br />reclassification requests that had been submitted by departments along with the <br />proposed 2004-2005 budget from the Lee County Board of Education. <br />