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2004 - 04-05-04 Regular Meeting
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2004 - 04-05-04 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 8:20:36 AM
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2/19/2009 3:31:59 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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SON 39 PAGE 84 <br />The Board discussed sales tax distribution analysis for ad valorem tax vs. per <br />capita tax. Finance Director Lisa Minter outlined for the Board the current per capita <br />distribution Lee County receives, what the County, the Town of Broadway and the City <br />of Sanford would receive if the Board chose to change to the ad valorem distribution. <br />She told the Board that changes must be made by the end of April each year, and can <br />only be adjusted once a year. After some discussion, the Board agreed to defer action <br />and discuss this matter at the upcoming Planning Retreat scheduled for April 16, 2004. <br />County Manager William Cowan asked for input from the Board on agenda items <br />for the Planning Retreat. The county budget, school budget, health insurance benefits for <br />county employees and the Phase ]1] water project were suggested and will be placed on <br />the agenda for the April 16`h Planning Retreat. <br />Commissioner Lemmond made a motion that the Board rescind the Board's <br />approval of the following tax releases and refunds that were approved at the February 16, <br />2004, meeting: <br />• Account # 7083 for Joel Lemmond, 1403 Spring Lane, $463.46 <br />• Account # 7083 for Joel Lemmond, 1403 Spring Lane, $ 72.00 <br />Commissioner Lemmond stated that this was an oversight on his part by not asking to be <br />excused from voting on the above two particular releases and refunds because of the <br />interest he shares with his brother in these two pieces of property. He further stated that <br />he had requested a delay of action from the Tax Office in regard to the refund as soon as <br />he realized the oversight in February. After some discussion. Chairman Hincks moved to <br />approve Commissioner Lemmond's motion, and upon a vote. the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board held a public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time to <br />hear public comments concerning the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) <br />funding from the North Carolina Department of Transportation to fund the Elderly and <br />Disabled Transportation Program, Work First Employment Transportation Program and <br />the Rural General Public Transportation Program. Senior Services Director Debbie <br />Davidson told the Board that Lee County would receive $85,871.00 for FY 2004/2005, <br />with no county match. One of the requirements for the funding is to hold a public <br />hearing. <br />Chairman Hincks opened the public hearing. <br />No one present spoke concerning the funding request. <br />Chairman Hincks closed the public hearing. <br />3 <br />
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