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a o~ 19 PacF a <br />The Board discussed a planning retreat for some time in April. After some <br />discussion, the consensus of the Board was to hold a planning retreat on Friday, April 16, <br />2004, at the McSwain Extension Education & Agricultural Center. <br />The Board considered the sell of bulk water to Golden Poultry. Public Works <br />Director Kenny Cole told the Board Gold Kist, Inc. has requested to purchase bulk water <br />for approximately three weeks while they are making necessary repairs to their water <br />plant. Mr. Cole told the Board that the City of Sanford has agreed to provide water at a <br />rate of $4.68 per thousand gallons. Mr. Cole recommended that the County sell water to <br />Gold Kist at a rate of $5.00 per thousand gallons, which would include $4.68/one <br />thousand gallons plus a 7% administrative cost. After some discussion, Commissioner <br />Stevens moved to accept the recommendation of the Public Works Director to sell water <br />to Gold Kist, Inc. at a rate of 55.00 per thousand gallons. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Adams discussed with the Board a resolution of recognition he <br />would like prepared and a plaque for Chief Deputy Ronnie Curtin who will be retiring in <br />May. After some discussion, the consensus of the Board was to present Mr. Currin with <br />a resolution of recognition and plaque for his years of service with Lee County, to be <br />presented in conjunction with whatever going-away function the Sheriffs Office decides <br />to have for Mr. Curtin. <br />Chairman Hincks discussed with the Board a letter received from the Lee-Harnett <br />MH/DD/SA Authority stating that they had received written notice from Cumberland <br />County MH/DD/SA Area Program and a verbal notice from Sandhills MH/DD/SA Area <br />Program concerning inquiries about a possible merger for mental health services. The <br />letter stated that the Area Authority was prepared to arrange initial meetings with these <br />two Area Programs to focus on the feasibility of merging the programs. They were <br />asking that the Lee County Board of Commissioners provide a written response whether <br />they wish to proceed with scheduling meetings with these two programs. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Matthews moved to submit a written letter to the Lee-Harnett <br />MH/DD/SA Authority asking them to proceed with scheduling meetings with <br />Cumberland County and Sandhills MH/DD/SA Area Programs and if a favorable <br />response is received from Johnston County MH/DD/SA Area Program, to also schedule a <br />meeting with them. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />4 <br />