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0 19 PAGE 7 <br />• Resolution of recognition for the Sanford Sting Pee Wee cheerleading <br />team (copy attached) <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for January 2004 (copy attached) <br />• Request for the Sheriff's Office to apply to the Governor's Crime <br />Commission for grant funds to purchase equipment and training for <br />forensic examination of child pornography <br />• Addition of Staff Nurse (Grade 68) to the Lee County Pay Plan <br />• Approval to fill vacant Processing Assistant III position in Social <br />Services <br />• Budget Amendment # 02/16/04/#9 (copy attached) <br />• Approval to fill the following vacant positions in the Health Department <br />I. Public Health Dentist I <br />2. Dental Assistant <br />3. Processing Assistant III (front desk) <br />4. Public Health Education Specialist <br />5. Public Health Nurse II <br />(Permission was also granted that if the above positions are filled <br />from within the department, Mr. Hanes does not have to come back <br />to the Board for approval to fill the resulting vacancies) <br />• Approval of purchase requisition for Social Services to purchase an <br />Adoption Enhancement package in the amount of $23,008 <br />• Bid and rehabilitation contract for CDBG project located at 2816 <br />Brookhaven Drive in the amount of $31,206 (copy attached) <br />• Bid and rehabilitation contract for CDBG project located at Kentyrewood <br />Farm Road in the amount of $31,335 (copy attached) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman riled the motion had been adopted unanimously, <br />Commissioner Lemmond read and presented a resolution of recognition to <br />members and the coach of the Sanford Sting Pee Wee cheerleading team. <br />Health Director Mike Hanes gave the Board an update on the Mid-Wife Program. <br />Mr. Hanes told the Board that he had hoped to present a proposal from one of the nurse <br />midwives who was terminated by Central Carolina Hospital to continue the program for <br />the county at a cost of $36.00 per hour for the remainder of this fiscal year. However, the <br />nurse in question has learned that her malpractice insurance rates will be three times more <br />than she had originally expected, and it might take several weeks for her to get the <br />required insurance in place. This same nurse midwife offered to provide one day of <br />service per week at $36.00 per hour at a local doctor's office. Mr. Hanes told the Board <br />that he had also contacted Carolina Women's Health Center who had agreed to provide a <br />nurse midwife for ten hours a week at $36.00 per hour for the remainder of the fiscal <br />2 <br />