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2-6-17 Regular Meeting
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2-6-17 Regular Meeting
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Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At 6:00 P.M. the Board conducted a public hearing for the Marketing Proposal for Moncure <br />Mega Site/Manufacturing Region. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated NAI Carolantic has approached Chatham, Lee, and <br />Harnett counties asking for assistance in developing a comprehensive marketing plan to <br />advertise and market the Moncure Mega Site and the Manufacturing Region surrounding the <br />site. If the developers are successful in siting a major manufacturer to the 2,500 -acre mega <br />site, additional manufacturers will have to locate to the area to support the major manufacturer. <br />These support facilities will need to locate within a 50 -mile radius of the site. Lee County would <br />be an excellent position to attract several support facilities to the County. The City of Sanford is <br />already heavily involved in assisting Chatham and NAI Carolantic in certifying the site by the <br />State of North Carolina. The $100,000 in developing a feasibility study for sewer extension to <br />the site and applying for a Golden Leaf grant, which they were successful in obtaining a <br />$4,000,000 grant for the extension. Estimated cost for the sewer line could cost around a <br />$1,000,000. The City's portion will be $500,000, which the City Council has already committed <br />to paying. In addition, the sewer design will consider an extension to the Airport. This will <br />further increase development opportunities at and near the airport. The funds granted will be <br />used to hire marketing consultants who specialize in the development of these major <br />manufacturing sites. Advertising of the site will occur around the world. The funds will be paid <br />to the Chatham County Economic Development Partnership. The Chatham EDC will be <br />responsible for working with the Developers to put a plan in place that will attract a major <br />manufacturer to the area. Harnett County has already committed to paying the $120,000.00 <br />subject to a public hearing, which has not been scheduled at this time. Their plan is to give <br />$60,000.00 in the current fiscal year and $60,000 in the next fiscal year. Chatham County is <br />expected to consider the proposal at one of their upcoming meetings. <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />The following people spoke in favor of the proposed project: <br />1. H. Mike Large, 535 Nixon Drive, Sanford, NC <br />2. Richard Hayes, 2004 Vantage Point, Sanford, NC <br />3. Bobby Powell, 909 Gilmore Drive, Sanford, NC <br />4. Brandon Atkins, 2107 Lakeland Drive, Sanford, NC <br />5. Brian Davis, 2101 Brownstone Drive, Sanford, NC <br />No one spoke in opposition of the project. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 152A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. No one signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of the meeting. <br />The Board next considered a Revised Memorandum of Agreement between the Lee County <br />Schools and the Lee County Health Department. Health Director Heath Cain stated the <br />Memorandum of Agreement between Lee County Schools and the Lee County Health Department <br />Page 216 <br />
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