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BOOK A; A!. mjE 623 <br />Projects for both the City and County. Ms. Kennedy stated it was the recommendation of <br />Community Development staff to recommend the Request for Proposal be awarded to The Wooten <br />Company at a cost not to exceed $51.134_ After discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to <br />approve the Request for Proposal from The Wooten Company to administer services for the FY <br />2008 Scattered Site CDBG Housing Project and see if a lower negotiated price, below the $51,134 <br />submitted, could be agreed upon. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a 911 Contract between the County and the City of Sanford. County <br />Manager John Crumpton stated that the City of Sanford and Lee County have been discussing the <br />new 911 regulations covering the disbursement of 911 fees since April of last year. The State <br />Legislature passed new regulations in January 2008 changing the way the 911 Board operates. <br />Under the new rules the 911 Board can only disburse funds to the Primary Public Answering Point <br />(PSAP). However, the State Treasurer recognizes the County as the recipient of the 911 funds and <br />the responsible party for PSAP operations in Lee County. The 911 Board is holding the 911 funds <br />because the City and County do not have a signed contract for the City to provide these services on <br />behalf of the County. Once a signed contract is in place, funds will be released to the County. The <br />County could receive $470,000 a year in 911 funds once a contract is in place. Mr. Crumpton <br />stated in the late 1990's the City and County agreed - verbally - that the City would operate the <br />Primary Public Answering Point (PSAP) and the County would operate a secondary PSAP. At that <br />time the City already had a communications department in place and was receiving approximately <br />80% of the 911 calls. Funds disbursed by the State were held by the County and allocated to both <br />the City and County as allowed by law. Through the years several changes to the laws and the use <br />of 911 funds became more restrictive. The basis for the agreement remained in affect even with all <br />the changes that have taken place. Discussion began in early 2007 for the County to establish a <br />Primary PSAP at a County facility with Central Communications. The project was tabled because <br />the City of Sanford was not interested in Central Communications under County control. Mr. <br />Crumpton further stated with the change in 911 laws in January 2008, this is the same law that <br />allowed the County to transfer over $500,000 to the General Fund from the wire-line fund. The City <br />has issues with the transfer of those funds. Currently there is over $800,000 in the fund that cannot <br />be disbursed until a signed contract has been obtained between the County and City. At this time, <br />the City has refused to consider an agreement presented to them from the County. Without an <br />agreement, funds cannot be disbursed to the City for 911 operations. Mr. Crumpton presented an <br />Interlocal Agreement between the County of Lee and the City of Sanford for 911 services for <br />consideration. After discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to approve the Agreement for 911 <br />Services between the County of Lee and the City of Sanford, a copy of which is attached to these <br />minutes and by this reference made a part hereof, with a 30-day time frame for a response from the <br />City. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, and Shook <br />Nay: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to one vote. <br />The Board considered a Joint Resolution with the City of Sanford and Town of Broadway in <br />reference to the proposed stimulus package of 2009. County Manager John Crumpton presented <br />the resolution and discussed the County's following stimulus requests: <br />3 <br />