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0 BOOK '22 PAGE 35 67 <br />received, along with any new applications, will be voted on at the February 1, 2009 <br />meeting. <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Lee County Planning Board. Clerk <br />to the Board Gaynell Lee stated that Commissioner Oldham could no longer serve as a <br />member of the Planning Board since his election to the Board of Commissioners. One <br />application was presented for consideration to fill the unexpired term through June 2010. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved that Mr. Roy Cox be moved from the first <br />alternate position to fill Commissioner Oldham's vacant position through June 2010, Mr. <br />Dowell Eakes be moved from the second alternate position to the first alternate position, <br />and Mr. Joe Johnson be appointed as the second alternate. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered an appointment to the North Carolina Association of <br />County Commissioners (NCACC) Legislative Liaison Committee. Clerk to the Board <br />Gaynell Lee told Commissioners the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners has asked each county to appoint a Legislative Liaison for the 2009- <br />2010 legislative biennium. The representative will work with the Association on local, <br />statewide and national issues. Commissioner Shook stated she was interested in <br />serving and would accept the appointment if it was the Board's wish. Commissioner <br />Kelly moved to appoint Commissioner Linda Shook to the NCACC Legislative Liaison <br />Committee for the 2009-2010 term. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Social Services Board. County <br />Attorney K. R. Hoyle told the Board that former Commissioner Bob Brown's term on the <br />Social Services Board ended at the end of December 2008. According to NC Gen Stat <br />108A-4: "Each member of a county board of social services shall serve for a term of <br />three years......." The Commissioner appointed will serve the three-year term even if <br />they leave office before the term expires. After some discussion, Commissioner Oldham <br />moved to appoint Commissioner Linda Shook to serve on the Social Services Board for <br />a three-year term. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />