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2009 - 01-05-09 Regular Meeting
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2009 - 01-05-09 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 3:55:25 PM
Creation date
2/19/2009 2:50:33 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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0 BOOK 22 N~Gt 564 <br />Tax Department and GIS Department Revenues - Projected to meet <br />budget. <br />Register of Deeds Revenues - The drastic and recent reduction in these <br />revenues is very alarming. This department normally makes a significant profit <br />for the county. If real estate transfers continue to be non-existent, we face a <br />significant shortfall in this category. The Department's original budget was <br />$592,000 and revised estimates show revenue at $398,400 a shortfall of <br />$193,600. <br />Investment Income - Interest rates have plummeted since the Federal <br />Reserve Bank started cutting interest rates in August. In addition, since Ad <br />Valorem payments have been running behind, there is less money to invest. The <br />original budget for interest income was $450,000 with a revised estimate of <br />$196,800, a shortfall of $253,200. <br />Sheriff/Jail/Emergency Management Revenue - Will meet budget. <br />Social Services Revenue -Will meet budget. <br />Youth & Adult Services - Will meet budget. <br />Library Revenue - Despite the cut in aid from the State, the department <br />will meet budget. <br />Recreation Revenue - There are areas of concern, and it is difficult to <br />estimate the participation in activities after the first of the new year. It is <br />anticipated they will meet budget. <br />Health Department -Tracking toward meeting budget. <br />School Capital Construction Fund - ADM - Will be short at least $51,000. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated the total anticipated revenue shortfall will be $1,009,000 <br />Fund Balance Analysis - The County's Financial Policies state the goal of the <br />County is to maintain a minimum 14% fund balance as a percent of total actual <br />expenditures in the budget. On July 1, 2008, the available fund balance to the County <br />was $10,957,351 or 18.47%. Currently we have $3,313,136 appropriated from fund <br />balance. It is anticipated there will not be any excess revenue to apply to the fund <br />balance. In addition, we normally count on a large amount of lapsed salaries to cover <br />the expense float. With the economy the way it is, employees are not leaving for other <br />opportunities, resulting in very little turnover. The turnover is mainly retirements where <br />significant vacation payouts have been made. The expense budget was made very tight <br />this year and there is no float to help the fund balance. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated the total shortfall needed to balance the FY 2008-2009 <br />budget and maintain a 14% fund balance is $1,595,000. This fund balance situation will <br />have a significant impact on the FY 2009-2010 budget. The fund balance will have to be <br />drastically reduced in order to balance the budget. There will not be any excess in <br />revenues budgeted to help the fund balance. The County will continue to face <br />uncertainty in revenue collections. <br />Mr. Crumpton recommended the following to balance the budget and maintain a <br />14% fund balance: <br />1. Transfer $600,000 from the capital reserve to the General Fund to cover <br />the expense of the new chiller at the courthouse and reduce the General <br />Funds payment to debt service. <br />5 <br />
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