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0 BOOK 2 PAGE 606 <br />sessions and other informal meetings not held regularly are subject to the same <br />notice requirements as special Board meetings. <br />e) Sunshine List Any individual, any newspaper, wire service, radio station, <br />and television station may file a written request with the Clerk to the Board of <br />Commissioners for notice of all special meetings of the Board. Request by <br />individuals and news organizations must be renewed annually by the second <br />meeting in December of each year and are not subject to any fee. <br />Rule 7 All meetings Within the County All meetings shall be held within the <br />boundaries of Lee County except as otherwise provided herein. <br />A joint meeting with the governing board of any other political <br />subdivision of this or any other state may be held within the <br />boundaries of either subdivision as may be specified in the call of <br />the meeting. At any such joint meeting, this Board reserves the <br />right to vote separately on all matters coming before the joint <br />meeting. <br />2. A special meeting called for considering and acting on an order or <br />resolution requesting members of the General Assembly <br />representing all or any portion of this county to support or oppose <br />any bill pending in the General Assembly or proposed for <br />introduction therein may be held in Raleigh or any other such place <br />as stated in the call of the meeting. <br />Rule 8 Broadcasting and Recording of Meetings <br />a) Broadcasting and Recording of Meetings Except as provided in this rule, <br />any radio or television station may broadcast all or any part of an official Board <br />meeting required to be open to the public. Any person may photograph, file, tape <br />record, or otherwise reproduce any part of a meeting required to be open. <br />b) Any radio or television station wishing to broadcast any portion of an official <br />Board meeting shall so notify the County Manager no later than twenty-four (24) <br />hours before the meeting. If the number of requests or quantity and size of the <br />necessary equipment is such that the meeting cannot be accommodated in the <br />designated meeting room and no alternative site in the County Government Center <br />is available, the County Manager may require the news media to either pool <br />equipment and personnel or to secure and pay the costs of an alternative meeting <br />site mutually agreeable to the board and the media representative. <br />6 <br />