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BOOK 22 PAGE 603 <br />7. To plan, conduct, or hear reports concerning investigations of alleged <br />criminal misconduct - per N.C. Gen Stat 143-318.11(a) (7). <br />8. To hear or investigate a change or complaint by or against an <br />individual, public officer or employee - per N.C. Gen Stat 143- <br />318.11(x) (6). <br />b) The Board may hold a closed session only upon a motion duly made and <br />adopted at an open meeting. Every motion to close a meeting shall cite one or <br />more of the permissible purposes listed in Subsection A of this rule. A motion based <br />on preventing the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential shall also <br />state the name or citation of the law that renders the information to be discussed <br />privileged or confidential. A motion based on consulting with an attorney in order to <br />preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body shall <br />identify the parties in each existing lawsuit concerning which the Board of <br />Commissioners expects to receive advice during the closed session. Any motion to <br />go into a closed session must be approved by a majority of those board members <br />present and voting. <br />C) Unless the motion to go into closed session provides otherwise, the county <br />manager, county attorney, and clerk to the board may attend the closed session. <br />No other person may attend the closed session unless specifically invited by <br />majority vote of the board. <br />d) When the board holds a closed session, it is simply a permission to exclude <br />the public; it is not an authorization to prohibit those present from disclosing what <br />occurred during the closed session. <br />III. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD <br />Rule 4 Organizational Meeting (a) Even-numbered Years. On the first <br />Monday in December following a general election in which county officers are <br />elected, the Board shall meet in the Commissioners' Room, Lee County <br />Government Center, 106 Hill Crest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, at a designated <br />time. The county attorney shall call the meeting to order and shall preside until a <br />Chair is elected. If they have not already been sworn and inducted into office, the <br />newly elected members of the Board shall take and subscribe the oath of office as <br />the first order of business. As the second order, the Board shall elect a Chair and a <br />Vice-Chair from its members. As the third order, the Board shall, by resolution, fix <br />the time and place of its regular meetings. As the fourth order, the Board shall <br />approve the bonds of the Register of Deeds, the Sheriff, and other required <br />individuals. By the first meeting in January, the Chair shall make appointments to <br />boards and advisory committees, except for appointments to the Mental Health <br />Board and the Social Services Board, which are specified by General Statute, and <br />must be voted on by the entire Board. <br />3 <br />