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12-19-16 Reg meeting
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12-19-16 Reg meeting
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1/11/2017 3:31:40 PM
Creation date
1/11/2017 2:39:25 PM
Board of Commissioners
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Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />The following spoke in favor of the economic development request: <br />- Bob Joyce, Economic Development Executive Director <br />No one present spoke in opposition to the request. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />The Board conducted a public hearing to consider participation in the cost of an economic <br />development request for "Project Dogwood". Economic Development Executive Director Bob Joyce <br />stated this project consists of the construction of a facility, the purchase of equipment and the <br />hiring of 147 new employees over the 5 -year life of the project with an average annual wage of <br />$65,717.00. Mr. Joyce stated that the majority of the jobs would be aircraft technicians so there <br />would be some recruiting outside of our community. The Board intends to consider investing up to <br />$54,398.00 of the cost of the project with revenues from the County's General Fund. <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />No one present spoke in favor or in opposition of the economic development request. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />The Board conducted a public hearing to consider participation in the cost of an economic <br />development request for "Project Sandman". Economic Development Executive Director Bob Joyce <br />stated this project consists of the construction of a facility, the purchase of equipment and the <br />hiring of 46 new employees over the 5 -year life of the project with an average annual wage of <br />$78,370.00. The Board intends to consider investing up to $638,783.00 of the cost from the <br />County's general fund balance. <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />No one present spoke in favor or in opposition of the economic development request. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />The Board conducted a public hearing to consider participation in the cost of an economic <br />development request for "Project Circular". Economic Development Director Bob Joyce stated this <br />project consists of leasing a 225,000 square foot facility for air craft servicing with some warehouse <br />area for equipment and parts, the purchase of equipment and the hiring of 63 new employees over <br />the 5 -year life of the project with an average annual wage of $46,984.00. The Board intends to <br />consider investing up to $27,944.00 of the cost of the project with the revenues from the County's <br />general fund balance. <br />Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />The following spoke in favor of the economic development request: <br />- Buddy Keller, former Chairman of the Airport Authority <br />No one present spoke in opposition of the request. <br />Page 516 <br />
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