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2010 - 09-20-10 Regular Meeting
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2010 - 09-20-10 Regular Meeting
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10/7/2010 3:16:10 PM
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10/7/2010 3:13:37 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Boox 23 mi 660 <br />Language Access Plan <br />4-1 <br />Lee County, NC <br />The purpose of this Policy and Plan is to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil <br />Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable federal and state laws and their implementing <br />regulations with respect to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). Title VI of <br />the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on the ground of race, color <br />or national origin by any entity receiving federal financial assistance. Administrative <br />methods or procedures, which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination <br />or defeating the objectives of these regulations, are prohibited. <br />In order to avoid discrimination on the grounds of national origin, all programs or <br />activities administered by Lee County must take adequate steps to ensure that their <br />policies and procedures do not deny or have the effect of denying LEP individuals with <br />equal access to benefits and services for which such persons qualify. This Policy defines <br />the responsibilities the agency has to ensure LEP individuals can communicate <br />effectively. <br />This policy and plan is effective September 30, 2010. <br />1. Scope of Policy <br />These requirements will apply to Lee County (herein referred to as "the agency") <br />including subcontractors, vendors, and subrecipients for CDBG, CDBG-R, and NSP <br />funded grants. <br />The agency will ensure that LEP individuals are provided meaningful access to benefits <br />and services provided through contractors or service providers receiving subgrants from <br />the agency. <br />II. Definitions <br />A. Limited English Proficient (LEP) individual -Any prospective, potential, or <br />actual recipient of benefits or services from the agency who cannot speak, read, <br />write or understand the English language at a level that permits them to interact <br />effectively with health care providers and social service agencies. <br />B. Vital Documents - These forms include, but are not limited to, applications, <br />consent forms, all compliance plans, bid documents, fair housing information, <br />citizen participation plans, letters containing important information regarding <br />participation in a program; notices pertaining to the reduction, denial, or <br />termination of services or benefits, the right to appeal such actions, or that require <br />a response from beneficiary notices advising LEP persons of the availability of <br />free language assistance, and other outreach materials. <br />
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