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005 <br />in the Data Center but this will only work for a short period of time and is not a long term solution. Mr. <br />Edwards asked the Board to allow him to move forward with replacing the Data Center with another <br />Liebert Challenger since the old unit has more than 30 years of service and is a testament to the quality <br />that can be expected from another Liebert Challenger system. Funds in the amount of $23,979 are in <br />the current budget for the system. An additional cost for installation of $3,352 has not been budgeted. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Frazier approved the purchase of a new HVAC system for the Lee <br />County Data Center as presented from CDW, Vernon Hills, Illinois. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a request from the Health Department to apply for a grant. Health <br />Director Heath Cain asked the Boards' permission to apply for the Association of Food and Drug <br />Officials (AFDO) year 3 Retail Program Standards Grant. Mr. Cain stated the Environmental Health <br />department is interested in applying for this funding opportunity to conform to Standard 7 which <br />involves Industry and Consumer Interaction, along with education outreach. If approved, up to $20,000 <br />will be awarded in full (Category 2) for Environmental Health. Commissioner Sloan moved to approve <br />the request to apply for the Association of Food and Drug Officials Year 3 Retail Program Standards <br />Grant as presented. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board heard a presentation from the City of Sanford on the Action Plan for the Building <br />Integrated Communities (BIC) Immigrant Integration initiative in partnership with the University of North <br />Carolina at Chapel Hill. Community Development Director Marshall Downey stated the grant is now at <br />the end of the 3 -year collaboration between the City of Sanford, Lee County and the statewide BIC <br />initiative. Mr. Downey stated the actions outlined aim to leverage existing community and local <br />government structures, expertise, and relationships to improve several community -identified issues with <br />respect to government -community communications, police, and public transportation, as well as to <br />specifically support Hispanic/Latino leadership and representation within local government. The plan <br />was developed by the Planning Committee, as well as by several dedicated sub -committees. The <br />assessment incorporated a survey of more than 300 diverse members of Lee County's foreign -born <br />and Hispanic/Latino communities, including foreign -born residents from 14 countries of origin as well as <br />U.S. born children of Latin American descent; three bilingual public meetings and discussion groups <br />with 225 Hispanic/Latino residents; analysis of data from the US Census, the NC Department of <br />Commerce, and Lee County Schools; and reviews of both community resources and existing reports. <br />Plan development was further informed by a subsequent public strategy session with an additional 125 <br />Hispanic/Latino residents. Rev. Erika Martinez Flores Pastor, Refuge Family Resource Center at <br />Jonesboro United Methodist Church, and Dr. Oscar Roberto, Refuge Family Resource Center of <br />Jonesboro United Methodist Church also spoke and thanked everyone for their assistance and support <br />of the Plan. After the presentation and question/answer period, Commissioner Oldham moved to <br />endorse the Building Integrated Communities (BIC) Action Plan for Immigrant Integration as presented. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />M <br />