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004 <br />Ms. Victoria Whitt, Executive Director from the Sandhills Center, along with Ms. Trish Blackmon <br />(ACT Associates, LLC) gave a presentation on the new Sandhills Center Access2Care Screening <br />Kiosks. The Access2Care screening program is designed to provide access to anonymous, online, <br />evidence -based behavioral health self -screenings, educational resources and referral information in <br />English and Spanish twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Harnett and Guilford counties have <br />kiosks in place at this time. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered bids for the Carbonton Road Convenience Center Rehabilitation Project. <br />Solid Waste Superintendent Joe Cherry stated the following five qualified bids were received to provide <br />services related to the rehabilitation project: <br />Sanford Contractors, Sanford, NC <br />$236,844.54* <br />NC Beal & Sons, Inc., Sanford, NC <br />$168,753.98 <br />Sandhills Contractors, Inc., Sanford, NC <br />$178.448.00 <br />RDU Paving, Inc., Raleigh, NC <br />$219.769.15 <br />Ellington Contracting, LLC, Siler City, NC <br />$208,200.00* <br />* The bids from Ellington Contracting and Sanford Contractors were both rejected due to an incomplete <br />bid package. <br />All bids were reviewed to ensure the Bid Form was accurate and all required items were included. As <br />indicated above, the bids from Ellington Contracting and Sanford Contractors were rejected due to <br />incomplete bid packages. The reason for the rejection was discussed with both contractors. <br />The total bid amount from NC Beal ($168,753.98) was 29% higher than the engineer's estimate for the <br />construction cost ($131,060.00). Because the bid amount exceeded the County's budget for the project, <br />it was decided to not accept the bid and enter into negotiations with NC Beal to look at options to <br />reduce the project scope and cost. The scope of the site work was reduced by slightly reducing the <br />footprint of the asphalt and concrete, re-routing a portion of the storm drainage by ditch instead by pipe, <br />and re -designing the concrete retaining wall to reduce the amount of concrete required. Through the <br />revised site design the unit bid amount was reduced from $168,753.98 to $155,307.00. To further <br />reduce the total cost, it was agreed upon that the County would provide the permanent seeding and the <br />final contract amount was negotiated to $150,000.00. This final contract amount will be considered a <br />lump sum amount and not a unit price amount as originally bid. It was noted the convenience center <br />may be closed for approximately 6 -weeks for renovations. The Board asked that public service <br />announcements be made and posted so citizens will be advised of other centers they can use during <br />the renovation project. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to approve the bid from NC Beal and Sons, Inc. for the <br />Carbonton Road Convenience Center Rehabilitation Project in the negotiated amount of $150,000.00. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a request from the IT Department to purchase a new Data Center HVAC <br />System for that department. IT Director Kyle Edwards stated the current system (Liebert Challenger) is <br />in need of replacement. Availability of parts for the system is more of a challenge than ever and more <br />replacement/maintenance and downtime has occurred to the system. Currently there is a backup unit <br />3 <br />