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030 <br />adjacent land uses, access to transportation and the availability of public services and facilities. It <br />is the intent of this district to provide an environment for industries that is unencumbered by <br />nearby residential or commercial development. HI should be located in areas where conflicts <br />with other uses can be minimized to promote orderly transitions and buffers between uses. The <br />HI district is established in order to provide sites for activities which involve major <br />transportation terminals, and manufacturing facilities that have a greater impact on the <br />surrounding area than industries found in the LI district. HI districts should not be located <br />adjacent to any property that is zoned for residential use, including mixed-use developments with <br />an adjacent residential designation. HI zones should be restricted so as to have direct access to <br />or within proximity to a major or minor thoroughfare. This shall not apply where an existing <br />building or structure used as permitted within the HI District has been established prior to the <br />adoption of this Ordinance on a parcel subject to an application for rezoning. The HI district <br />requires a minimum front building setback of 30 feet and zero rear and zero side yard setbacks. <br />Utilities <br />The site has access to public water and any wastewater will be served by a private system. <br />Emergency Response: The Deep River Fire District covers the area of the petitioned site. <br />Environmental: <br />The subject tract is not located in a flood hazard area. The property is located within the Cape <br />Fear WS -IV Protected Area (CFS -WS -IV -PA) watershed. Non-residential development <br />occurring in a WS -IV watershed classification, which requires a Sedimentation and Erosion <br />Control permit, may occur at no more than twenty-four percent (24%) built upon area for <br />projects utilizing curb and gutter and at no more than thirty-six percent (36%) built -upon area if <br />the project does not utilize curb and gutter for storm water control. Ten percent (10%) of the <br />CFS -WS -IV -PA watershed area may be developed with new development projects up to seventy <br />(70%) built -upon area as Special Intensity Allocations (SIAs). SIAs are allocated by the <br />Watershed Administrator on a "first come, first served" basis upon the approval and issuance of <br />the appropriate permit. The total area remaining for SIA's in the CFS -WS -IV -PA is over 3,000 <br />acres. <br />Development Standards: If rezoned, all uses permitted in the Heavy Industrial (HI) zoning <br />district would be allowed and any future development of the site will be required to meet all <br />applicable design standards of the Unified Development Ordinance. <br />Conformance with the 2020 Land Use Plan: The subject property lies in an area classified as <br />an Interchange/Highway Node with a Highway Overlay by the Sanford/Lee County 2020 Land <br />Use Plan and Map. This land use classification identifies a major mixed-use area of <br />retail/service centers over 200,000 square feet with additional major office and business park <br />employment. <br />Development at a Highway Node should be sited and designed as a community gateway. The <br />Highway Overlay is intended to be an area where development will be subject to higher design <br />standards along major highways. The Plan also suggests a Residential -Mixed classification on <br />other areas of the subject property. The Residential Mixed classification allow single-family and <br />multi -family uses. <br />