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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />SPECIAL EMERGENCY CALLED MEETING <br />OF THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES OFFICE <br />204 W. COURTLAND DRIVE <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />OCTOBER 9, 2016 <br />The special emergency called meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, <br />State of North Carolina, convened at 1 p.m. at the Emergency Services Office, 204 W. Courtland Drive, <br />Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Dr. Ricky D. <br />Frazier, Dr. Andre Knecht, Larry "Doc" Oldham, Robert T. Reives, and Timothy S. Sloan. Commissioner <br />Kirk D. Smith was absent. Staff present included County Manager John Crumpton, County Attorney <br />Whitney Parrish, and Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee. <br />Chair Dalrymple called the meeting to order. <br />County Manager John Crumpton and Emergency Services Director Shane Seagroves gave <br />updates from Hurricane Matthew that pounded Lee County on Saturday, October 8th. The following <br />reports were given: <br />• Shelter opened at San Lee Middle School where approximately 50 citizens spent <br />the night, <br />• Kiwanis Park and San Lee Park closed due to flooding, mud and downed trees, <br />• Schools will be closed Monday, October 10th due to power outages, <br />• 16,000 Duke Energy customers without power as of the meeting time, <br />• 4,000 Central Electric without power as of the meeting time, <br />• All Lee County offices will be open on schedule for Monday, October 10th <br />• Some water leaking at the Lee County Government Center but office will open on <br />schedule October 10tH <br />• Board of Elections office has roof leaking issues being addressed, <br />• City water system lost system pressure on Saturday but was resolved around <br />midnight. A reverse 919 call will go out to all customers for a boil water issue for <br />the next 24 hours as a safety precaution, <br />• Various traffic lights around town are not working and lights at Tramway <br />intersection are out, <br />• 11 '/2 inches of rain recorded at San Lee Park, with erosion issues and downed <br />trees on the trails, <br />• Dalrymple Park building is closed due to power outage, <br />• Environmental Health is working with Rest Homes/Nursing Homes and restaurants <br />on the boil water issue, and <br />• Duke Energy, Central Electric and DOT will be contacted about power outages, <br />road clearing and the lights at Tramway. <br />