Laserfiche WebLink
emergency information and information about terrorist attacks, natural disasters, public <br />infrastructures failures, and public safety emergencies. Public emergency messages shall <br />be displayed in accordance with protocols developed by the city in conjunction with the <br />issuing agencies and the qualified sign owners. For the purposes of this section, a public <br />service announcement shall be any announcement for which no charge is made and which <br />promotes programs, activities, or services of federal, state or local governments or the <br />programs, activities or services of nonprofit organizations and other announcements <br />regarded as serving community interests, excluding time signals, routine weather <br />announcements and promotional announcements. <br />b. Any digital sign shall meet the following display requirements: <br />i. The images and messages displayed shall be complete in themselves, without <br />continuation in content to the next message or image, or to any other sign. <br />ii. The transition between images shall be instantaneous and without special <br />effects. Special effects are those listed in iv. below. <br />iii. The display shall not be configured to resemble a warning, danger signal, <br />official signage used to control traffic, or to cause a viewer to mistake the sign <br />for a warning or danger signal. <br />iv. No electronic animation, movement, scrolling, flashing text, or streaming video <br />shall be permitted. <br />V. All digital signs shall be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one (1) <br />position or immediately discontinue the display if a malfunction occurs. <br />vi. No sign may be brighter than is necessary for clear and adequate visibility and <br />shall not exceed a maximum of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) candela <br />per square meter (cd/m2) during daylight hours and one thousand (1,000) cd/m2 <br />during non -daylight hours. No sign shall display such intensity or brilliance <br />that it interferes with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device, or <br />signal or is distracting to drivers. All digital signs shall be equipped with both <br />a dimmer control and photocell that automatically adjusts the intensity of the <br />display according to natural ambient light conditions. <br />vii. Prior to the issuance of a sign permit, the applicant shall provide written <br />evidence that the light intensity has been factory pre-set not to exceed seven <br />thousand five (7,500) cd/m2 and that the intensity level is protected from end- <br />user manipulation by password -protected software or other method determined <br />appropriate by the Department of Community Development. <br /> Reserved. <br /> Maintenance. <br />1. All signs shall be maintained in a state of good repair. <br />2. Whenever it shall appear to the Department of Community Development that any <br />sign has been constructed or is being maintained in violation of the terms of this <br />section or is unsafe or unsecured, such sign shall either be made to meet all sign <br />regulations, or shall be removed at the expense of the owner, within ten (10) days <br />after written notification thereof by the Department of Community Development or <br />City Manager, or his designee. <br />