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9v <br />Conformance with the 2020 Land Use Plan: The subject property lies in an area classified as <br />an Interchange/Highway Node with a Highway Overlay by the Sanford/Lee County 2020 Land <br />Use Plan and Map. This land use classification identifies a major mixed-use area of retail/service <br />centers over 200,000 square feet with additional major office and business park employment. <br />Development at a Highway Node should be sited and designed as a community gateway. The <br />Highway Overlay is intended to be an area where development will be subject to higher design <br />standards along major highways. The Plan also suggests a Residential -Mixed classification on <br />other areas of the subject property. The Residential Mixed classification allow single-family and <br />multi -family uses. <br />Conformance with the Deep River Small Area Land Use Plan: The Deep River Small Area <br />Plan concurs with the 2020 Land Use Plan. In addition, the Deep River Plan suggests low- <br />density residential/agricultural uses along the front of Deep River Road. <br />Rezoning this property from Residential Agricultural (RA) district to Heavy Industrial (HI) <br />district does not conform to the 2020 Land Use Plan or the Deep River Small Area Plan. When <br />considering the zoning of the property, the reasonableness of the request, the public interest, size <br />of the lot, the location of the property to the existing quarry operations and the current <br />development trends of the neighborhood should be considered. <br />