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BK: 00028 PG: 0447 <br />This contract is subject to such additional provisions as are set forth in any <br />addendwn executed separately by each party and attached hereto. <br />10. Contract Documents/Amendments <br />This document together with the purchase order and any attached exk-bits <br />oonWtutoe the entire Contract between the said two parties and may only be <br />modified by a written mutual agreement signed by the parties and attached hereto. <br />11. SUAS ares <br />Both the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR agree to the above contract. <br />W eased or <br />exp. <br />Lee <br />�B . <br />Titic:13oard Chairmen <br />Date:- 19- 19 -1 Lp <br />This msbrnment has been pro -audited in the maffier roquinod by the Local <br />Govt Budget and Fiscal Control AJG. <br />� <br />Minter, OSoer <br />