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The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Carol Carlson, President of Willing Hands was present and stated the motto of their organization <br />is to bring people and projects together and they were looking forward to assisting with the project. She <br />further stated it just seemed like a natural fit for their non-profit to assist the County. <br />The Board considered a Leasehold Agreement with the Lee County Arts & Community Center. <br />Attorney Whitney Parrish stated at the Board's June 6th meeting, members of the Lee County Arts and <br />Community Center approached the Board about transferring the grassy area near the basketball goal to <br />the Arts Center. The Arts Center currently owns the building and paved areas. The Board of <br />Commissioners voted unanimously to sell the grassy area to the Center for $10.00 and authorized the <br />County Manager, County Attorney, and Chair to execute closing documents. While preparing the <br />required documents, it has been determined the easiest way to transfer the property is to transfer the <br />grassy area and the basketball lot to the Arts Center and for the County to enter into a Leasehold <br />Agreement with them to lease the basketball court. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to <br />approve a Leasehold Agreement between the Lee County Arts & Community Center and the County of <br />Lee, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. Commissioner Reives asked Parks <br />& Recreation Director John Payne to check on the possibility of placing porta potties on sit for those <br />using the basketball area. <br />At this time County Manager John Crumpton gave a report on the O.T. Sloan Pool. He stated <br />approximately 4 weeks ago he was made aware of the situation where the Sanford Aquatics Swim <br />Team were faced with having no practice facility for part of their season and they might have to disband <br />the Club. The Club, which has been in existence since the 1960's has used the Sanford Nautilus as its <br />home pool. With the upcoming sale of the Nautilus to the YMCA, the pool will be closed for renovations <br />from late September to November 1St, and then again in February until more significant renovations are <br />completed. Mr. Crumpton stated discussions are underway to keep O.T. Sloan Pool open through the <br />end of October. Several long term issues with the pool were addressed which include the following: <br />• Pool needs to be drained and painted to come into compliance before <br />it can be reopened. <br />• Weather permitting, painting can begin in November. <br />• Issue with leaves falling and getting into the pool area. <br />• Staff will be working with a pool consultant on deepening the pool by 1 foot and <br />enclosing and heating the pool and bath house. <br />• Working with Pentair on a proposal to heat the pool. <br />• It will cost $4,100 per month to the County to keep the pool open year round, <br />heating not included. <br />• Pentair has quoted a price between $12,000 - $20,000 for heating. <br />• The County's permit with Environmental Health is only until October 31 st <br />• The County's General Services department will have to complete prep work <br />before painting can begin. <br />• Temperature must stay between 65-75 degrees for 6 consecutive days for <br />painting to be completed. <br />3 <br />