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8-15-16 Reg. Meeting
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8-15-16 Reg. Meeting
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9/22/2016 8:10:40 AM
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BK -00028 PG:0383 <br />78/Tramway Road from US 1 to Lemon Springs Road and to install sidewalks along one side of the <br />public street in this area. At this time, it is still a general request and no drawings have been created for <br />reference. This request for road improvements was made prior to receiving the Sanford Soccer Field <br />Complex rezoning request, but is not funded at this time. Since submittal of the 15 projects last year, <br />NCDOT scored the projects along with projects from the other 3 counties in the Triangle Area Rural <br />Planning Organization (TARPO): Orange, Chatham, and Moore counties. Projects were scored at the <br />Division level, the Regional level if applicable, and the State level if applicable. The NC 78/Tramway <br />Road project scored a 25.77 out of a possible 50 points at the Division level and a 33.24 out of a <br />possible 70 points at the Regional level, and was not deemed to be a State level project. Staff is <br />awaiting NCDOT's statewide release of list of projects that will receive actual funding, which will be <br />released in December 2016, and adopted by June 2017 (by the Board of Transportation). Based on <br />information received by DOT, it appears that there is a consensus and acknowledgement that NC <br />78/Tramway Road has a high volume of vehicular traffic and should be widened to better accommodate <br />the ever increasing traffic levels; however, with possible final approval for this project by the Board of <br />Transportation in June 2017 at the earliest and with the construction date of any project that is funded <br />being typically at least five to ten years out from the date of final approval, this project may begin by the <br />year 2022 at the earliest. <br />Policy for Installation of Improvements — The Board inquired if there were funds available <br />for improvements that are requested by a local board. Staff confirmed that there are no funds available <br />for improvements that are simply requested by a local board. <br />Turn -Lane Information — The Board requested information regarding the right turn lane <br />off NC 87/Tramway Road that would be required at full build out or Phase III of this project. Staff <br />verified that NCDOT would allow the right turn lane to be installed during Phase I or Phase II, but would <br />require it as part of Phase 3. Given the phasing of this project as market driven, the turn lane may or <br />may not be installed. Also, if the design changes, this could impact the required improvements. <br />Airport Road (SR 1213) Information — Airport Road is an unlined short dead-end road off <br />Tramway Road. Any development proposed beyond the NCDOT maintained area may require a <br />roadway extension for which the developer would bear the burden of the construction. NCDOT is not <br />requiring improvements to Airport Road for this project. <br />Accident Reports — The Board was interested in any data for accidents in this area. A <br />copy of the accident report for this area was provided <br />Ms. McNeill further stated that staff has requested vehicle traffic counts during the active school year <br />since this will provide the most accurate information regarding the high volume of traffic in the area and <br />traffic concerns for the residents in the area, even if the soccer field complex is not developed. This <br />study will have to be completed by DOT in September or October and staff will forward information <br />upon receipt. It was noted the Board of Commissioners may choose to continue to table the item until <br />more sufficient information can be obtained, or choose to approve the rezoning request with/without <br />conditions (with a conditional zoning request, the conditions must be accepted by the applicant), or <br />choose to deny the request along with the rationale for doing so. <br />Commissioner Reives arrived at this time and participated in discussion (5:35 p.m.). <br />Commissioner Frazier moved to table the matter until the next meeting and all information is received <br />(from DOT). Ms. McNeill stated the additional information requested from DOT wouldn't be available <br />until October or November. Commissioner Reives asked about the tax value of Phase I after <br />completion. Tax value is not known at this time because the applicant is working with a professional <br />3 <br />
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