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7-18-16 Reg. Meeting
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7-18-16 Reg. Meeting
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BK -00028 PG: 0376 <br />Section 12-101. Recitals Incorporated by Reference. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated <br />in the Ordinance by reference. <br />Section 12-102. Statutory Authority. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to (1) the General Statutes of <br />the State of North Carolina, Section 153A-121, which grants Lee County general ordinance -making <br />power; (2) General Statute, Section 153A-123, which grants Lee County the authority to enforce its <br />ordinances; (3) General Statute, Section 153A-340, which grants Lee County the authority to adopt <br />zoning and development regulation ordinances to promote health, safety, morals, or the general <br />welfare, including the authority to adopt temporary moratoria; (4) General Statute, Section 113-415.1, <br />which addresses the County's ordinance -making powers related to oil and gas development; and (5) the <br />Lee County Moratorium Ordinance. <br />Section 12-103. Purpose. The purpose of the moratorium is to allow the Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners time to: 1) complete the 2030 Land Use Plan; 2) review the Mining and Energy <br />Commission's regulations and other state and federal regulations applicable to oil and gas development <br />and mining in order to determine whether such regulations adequately protect the County and its <br />citizens from the impacts of oil and gas development and mining; and, 3) develop standards and <br />conditions to be implemented through a conditional use permit or other appropriate mechanisms to <br />address any impacts that are not adequately addressed by applicable state and federal regulations. <br />Section 12-104. Jurisdiction. This ordinance shall apply to all of Lee County except for those areas <br />included with incorporated municipalities and their extraterritorial jurisdictions. <br />Section 12-105. Definitions. The words and phrases defined in this Section shall have the following <br />meaning when found in this Ordinance: <br />(1) "Drilling" shall mean the sinking, penetrating, boring, or digging of a shaft or hole in the earth <br />for any purpose. <br />(2) "Gas" shall mean all natural gas, including casing -head gas, coal -bed methane, and all other <br />hydrocarbons not defined as oil in Subsection (6). <br />(3) "Horizontal Drilling" shall mean drilling at an angle greater than three degrees from vertical. <br />(4) "Hydraulic Fracturing," or "Fracturing," or "Fracking" shall mean all stages of the treatment <br />of a well by the application of hydraulic fracturing fluid under pressure that is expressly designed <br />to initiate or propagate fractures in a target geologic formation to enhance production of oil or <br />gas. <br />(5) "Mining" or "Traditional Mining" shall have the same definition as that found under "Mining" <br />in the Unified Development Ordinance in Appendix A on page A-41. <br />(6) "Natural Features" shall mean the water resources, land resources, air resources, geologic <br />resources, animal species, and plant species within a municipality's boundaries. <br />(7) "Oil" shall mean crude petroleum oil and other hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, which <br />are produced at the well in liquid form by ordinary production methods, and which are not the <br />result of condensation of gas after it leaves the reservoir. <br />
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