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Agenda - 8-15-16 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda - 8-15-16 Reg. Meeting
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8/9/2016 11:36:13 AM
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of its high ranking in the regional category, the NC 78/Tramway Road project was <br />assigned an additional 100 points at the regional level. 093 <br />At this point in time, we are awaiting NCDOT's statewide release of list of projects that <br />will receive actual Regional Impact funding. In August/September 2016 TARPO will <br />assign its 1400 points in the Divisional category. Finally, in December 2016 NCDOT will <br />release its Draft STIP for public review and comment. It is expected that final approval by <br />the Board of Transportation will take approximately six months and be adopted by June <br />2017. Typically the construction date of any project that is funded is at least five to ten <br />years out from the date of final approval by the Board of Transportation. <br />Based on this information, it appears that there is a consensus and acknowledgement that <br />NC 78/Tramway Road has a high volume of vehicular traffic and should be widened to <br />better accommodate the ever increasing traffic levels; however, with possible final <br />approval for this project by the Board of Transportation in June of 2017 at the earliest and <br />with the construction date of any project that is funded being typically at least five to ten <br />years out from the date of final approval, this project may begin by the year 2022 at the <br />earliest (which is 6 years out). <br />• Policy for the Installation of Improvements: The board inquired if there were funds <br />available for improvements that are simply requested by a local board. Staff confirmed <br />that there are not funds available for improvements that are simply requested by a local <br />board. In the past, there was money for sidewalk installation, etc. that municipalities could <br />request. At this time, improvements are made either via requesting fund through the State <br />Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which is what our Long Range / <br />Transportation Planner does, or are made due to a safety need, based on accident reports <br />and issues within a given area. <br />• Turn -Lane Information: The board requested additional information regarding the right <br />turn lane off of NC 87/Tramway Road that would be required at full build out or Phase 3 <br />of this project. Staff verified that NCDOT would allow the right turn lane to be installed <br />during Phase 1 or Phase 2, but would require it as part of Phase 3. Given that the phasing <br />of this project is market driven, the turn lane may or may not ultimately be installed. Also, <br />if the design changes, this could impact the required improvements. <br />A typical turn lane is 11 ft wide with the length determined by the volume of traffic <br />generated by the project and the volume of traffic on NC 78/Tramway Road. A 2ft paved <br />shoulder may also be included with the turn lane to make it an average of 13ft wide. The <br />right-of-way along Tramway Road in this area is 100ft with the pavement of the roadway <br />being approximately 36ft in width with two traffic lanes and a striped center lane <br />(meaning no traffic in this area) from the Airport Road intersection, back toward the <br />schools for 140ft+, which then transitions into a center turn lane. <br />There is approximately 32ft± of right-of-way in which to construct the turn lane. In this <br />area, there is a street sign for Airport Road, a directional sign for the Emergency Services <br />Training Center and guy wires for an electric pole that would need to be relocated. There <br />is also a storm drain that should either be incorporated into the design or relocated. At this <br />intersection, there is also an electric pole with overhead electric line and fire hydrant that <br />are typically located at the edge of the right-of-way. With 13ft+ of turn lane in a 32ft+ <br />
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