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054 <br />w <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR <br />Creatrvi ' ; Regularly seeks new and Improved methodologies. <br />enhancing the effectiveness of iuncilons undercharge, fimPI ys Imagination gination ccies andp eabvitrocedU y� the <br />lb <br />aPplication of duffles and responsibilities. Is not adverse to change that suppand <br />goals and objectives. orts achievement of <br />Human Ile alio s; Strives to develop and maintain excellent ra <br />Charge- Listens to and considers their suggestrons and complaints, end respondrt with s appropriately. under <br />Estaboshes a work environment to promote and maintain mutual respect: <br />poll av lam n", Has a clear and comprehensive understanding of policies regarding <br />functions under charge and the function of the organization. Adheres to POkles In the discharge <br />of duties and responsibilities, and ensures the some from personnel undercharge. <br />Policy Formulatrgn Maintains awareness of changes In operating philosophles and polioses, <br />and routinely reviews policies to ensure any changes in philosophy or practice are approprIately <br />incorporated into functions under charge. Recognizes and understands the relationship betwean <br />operating policies and practices and morale and performance. Strives to ensure that established <br />policies enhance same. <br />13MCLABAER: This jab dascripiton Is not an employment agreement or contract. <br />Management bas the exclusive right to alter this job description at any limn wlaoert notice. <br />Revised <br />12 3/30/mg <br />