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053 <br />HI <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR <br />maintains cooperative and courteous relationships Inter and Intra -departmentally, and with <br />extemal entities with whom the position interacts. Tactfully and effectively handles requests, <br />suggestions and complaints in order to establish and maintain good will. Emphasizes the <br />Importance of malntalning a poslove Image, <br />COOK dlnatlon of Work Plans and organizes daily work routine. Establishes priorities for the <br />completion of work in accordance with sound time -management methodology. Avolds duplication <br />of efTort Estimetes expected time of completion of work elements and establishes a personal <br />schedule Hcc Ordingly. Attends required meetings, planning sessions and discussions on time. <br />implements work activity In accordance with priorities and estimated schedules. <br />Safety and Housekeenino Adheres to all established safety and housekeeping standards. <br />Ensures such standards are not violated. <br />Hanning: Plans, coordinates and uses informatlon effectively to enhance activities and <br />Production. Knows and understands expechatlons regarding such activities and works to ensure <br />such expectatfons are met Develops and formulates ways, means and Omhrg to achieve <br />established goals and objectives. Effectively and efficiently organizes, arranges and allocates <br />mmpower, financial and other designated resources to achieve such goads and objeotivem <br />orsanizi�: Efficiently organizes own work and that of subordinate staff. Ensures that personnel <br />understand what results are expected of them, and that each is regularly and appropriately <br />lnformed of all matters affeating or of concern to them. <br />Stai�nq Works with upper management, where appropriate, to select and recommend <br />empioyment of qualified personnel. Personally directs the development and training of personnel <br />under charge, ensuring their proper induction, orientation and training. <br />Leadtn : Provides a work environment~ which encourages clearand open communications. Has <br />a clear and comprehensive understanding of the principles of affective leadership and haw such <br />principles are to be applied. Provides adequate feedback to personnel under charge concerning <br />theft' petformance. Commends and rewards personnel under charge for outstanding perlbrmance, <br />and takes timely and appropriate disciplinary action as necessary. Exercisesenthusiasm !n <br />influencing and guiding others toward achievement of established goals and objectives, <br />CorkoAina: Provides a work environment; whlch.Is orderly and controlled. Coordinates, audits, <br />and controis manpower and financial resources efficiently and effectively. Coordlnates, audits, <br />and conWs the utir¢atlon of materials and equipment efficiently and effectively. Has a clear and <br />comprehensive understanding of established standards, methods and procedures. <br />9e1e2441-89- Assigns duties as necessary and/or appropriate to meet goals, enhance sWoues of <br />personnei under charge, build their confidence and assist them in personal growth. Has <br />confidence In personnel undercharge to meet new or additional expectatfons. <br />Decision Makin : EKerclses discretion and Judgment In developing and Implementing courses of <br />action affecting functions under charge. Recognizes when a partloulhar policy, Procedure or <br />strategy does not foster the desired result; and moves decisively and explicitly to develop and <br />Implement alternatives. <br />Revised <br />3/3D/2009 <br />