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031 <br />goal would be to have funding to buy items that cannot be squeezed in to the regular <br />annual budget. In these economic times, having multiple sources of funding provides <br />more success in reaching our goals. <br />i. Attend Fundraising Summit held periodically <br />ii. Create database of potential donors <br />iii. Create list of fundraising ideas sharing with nonprofit Friends of the Library <br />iv. Research handling a campaign for endowments for Library Foundation if <br />created <br />29. Create Training system so all library training is consistent <br />a. Notebook for new hires in 2016, transition checklist for various library positions <br />b. Computer skills proficiency/competency <br />c. Library staff training and development <br />d. When completed have all current staff review <br />30. Outreach to Hispanics, elderly, nursing homes, and homebound <br />a. Website and library brochures translated into Spanish <br />b. Distribute Flyers about Pronounciator handed out to Hispanic stores/churches <br />c. In addition offering crate delivery to nursing homes and homebound patrons, offer <br />discarded/donated Large Print books to nursing homes <br />d. Build the collection of adult and children's books in Spanish <br />31. Broadway Branch <br />a. Inspect premises and grounds annually and make list for maintenance <br />b. Change out book collections with regularity <br />c. Meet with Women's Club once a year <br />d. Participate in Broadway Our Way event <br />e. Maintain schedule of story times <br />f. Clean facility on regular basis <br />g. increase size of DVD collection of Broadway as needed <br />