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6-20-16 Reg. Meeting
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6-20-16 Reg. Meeting
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7/20/2016 3:32:32 PM
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7/20/2016 3:32:00 PM
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BK -00028 PG -0349 <br />County Manager's Report — June 20, 2016 <br />Ongoing Projects <br />Courthouse Roof Project — The replacement of the main courthouse roof was <br />completed in early June. This project came in under budget. A new 10 year warranty is <br />in place for the roof through Firestone. <br />Old Bowling Alley — Due to the size of the project, the building code requires the county <br />to have architectural drawings of the renovations. Local Architect Tim Sherman is <br />currently working on those drawings. Once the plans are approved by State Buildings <br />and Local Building inspectors, the project will be bid — probably in July. Estimated <br />construction time is 60 days so this project should be finished in September. <br />Horton and Dalrymple Parks — Parks and Recreation and General Services have been <br />working on various projects at both parks during the fiscal year. New equipment, fencing <br />and other improvements will continue this summer. <br />Other Items <br />Fair Labor Standards Act — with the pending changes coming from the Federal <br />Department of Labor, we have reviewed our exempt and non-exempt lists and went <br />ahead and made changes to come into compliance even though we had until December <br />1, 2016 to make the changes. The decision was made to make the changes effective <br />with the new fiscal year. Summer is a slower time for our organization and we have an <br />easier time making significant organizational changes at this time. In addition, December <br />1 is in the middle of the holiday season which is typically a time where our services are in <br />great demand. Making changes at that time would interrupt service delivery. In all, 29 <br />employees were transferred from exempt to non-exempt status. This leaves 30 <br />employees out of 362 full time employees as exempt from overtime rules. Department <br />Heads have been given the flexibility to adjust work schedules so they can make sure we <br />have staff in place to service the needs of our citizens. Our overall goal is to keep <br />overtime and comp time to a minimum. By making the changes now in a slow period we <br />can adjust to the new schedules and keep overtime under control. <br />Kiwanis Children's Park — the City of Sanford has notified me that they are considering <br />taking down the old JC Hut. The building is no longer being used and is falling apart. The <br />youth but next door which the County owns is also in bad shape. We are considering <br />putting both buildings out to bid for demolition. <br />
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