V_ 3
<br />used: (1) The Work First Program uses gas vouchers for individuals receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for
<br />Needy Families) services when there is a need for transportation. The Work First expense allocation is capped
<br />at $22,500. (2) The Non -Emergency Transportation (NEMT) also uses gas vouchers when a recipient of
<br />Medicaid has their own transportation but is in need of gas for transportation to a Medicaid covered service.
<br />This expense is covered under the $105,000 budgeted NEMT. After discussion, Commissioner Frazier moved
<br />to approve the contracts with Jalaram of Sanford, LLC doing business as Value Mart #2 as presented. Upon a
<br />vote, the results were as follows:
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously
<br />For her final item on the agenda, Ms. Potts presented to the Board for thein approvale Home Energy
<br />Supplier Agreements for FY 2016/17. Ms. Potts explained the two energy programs and notedtat each is
<br />�.,.
<br />funded on a federal and state level; the County is reimbursed 100% by the state through the 1571 process.
<br />Furthermore, she explained that the Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) is a program that provides assistance to
<br />eligible households that are in a heating or cooling related emergency. The goal of the CIP program is to help
<br />families stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. By doing so this reduces the risk of health and safety
<br />problems such as illness, fire, or eviction. Regarding the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), she
<br />explained that this program provides for a one-time vendor payment to help eligible households pay their
<br />heating bills. Only households containing an elderly person age 60 and above or a disabled persons receiving
<br />services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) are eligible to potentially receive benefits
<br />from December 1 st through January 31 st or until funds are exhausted. If funds are still available after January
<br />31, any household can potentially receive benefits from February 1 It through March 31 It or until funds are
<br />exhausted. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Home Energy Supplier Agreements as presented.
<br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />The Board then heard,", from' County_ Manager John Crumpton regarding an amendment to the
<br />Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. For the Board's
<br />approval, Mr. Crumpton explained the amendment arose when NC State University approved the new funding
<br />arrangement
<br />program are,
<br />Consumer P
<br />for Cooperative Extension, taking into account that the Director would also run one of the
<br />recent retirement of Susan Condlin and the promotion of Bill Stone, the Family and
<br />Ino longer be covered by the Director. The new Director, Bill Stone will still have
<br />t,'/,,the department now will need a Family and Consumer Science Agent. In addition,
<br />:!es added to Mr. Stone, it was decided to add a 4-H assistant to help with the
<br />were all made within the upcoming budget due to changes in salaries for new
<br />Smith moved to approve the MOU amendment as presented, a copy of which is
<br />and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />responsflity over 4-H, t
<br />with the riew;,.responsibi
<br />program.i nest
<br />positions. Corry
<br />attached to these
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />Mr. Crumpton then presented to the Board the transfer/sell of property to the Lee County Arts and
<br />Community Center. He explained that the Lee County Arts and Community Center approached the County to
<br />ask for the transfer of the grassy area along Horner Blvd. that is used mainly for parking at events at the
<br />M
<br />