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5-16-16 Reg. Meeting
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5-16-16 Reg. Meeting
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BK: 00028 PG -0253 <br />Contract to Audit Accounts (cont.) LEE COUNTY <br />Governmental Unit <br />N/A <br />Discretely Presented Component Units (DPCU) if applicable <br />11. After completing the audit, the Auditor shall submit to the Governing Board a written report of audit. This report <br />shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (a) Management's Discussion and Analysis, (b) the <br />financial statements and notes of the Governmental Unit and all of its component units prepared in accordance with <br />GAAP, (c) supplementary information requested by the client or required for full disclosure under the law, and (d) <br />the Auditor's opinion on the material presented. The Auditor shall furnish the required number of copies of the <br />report of audit to the Governing Board as soon as practical after the close of the accounting period. <br />12. If the audit firm is required by the NC CPA Board or the Secretary of the LGC to have a pre -issuance review of their <br />audit work, there must be a statement added to the engagement letter specifying the pre -issuance review including a <br />statement that the Governmental Unit will not be billed for the pre -issuance review. The pre -issuance review must <br />be performed prior to the completed audit being submitted to the LGC. The pre -issuance report must accompany <br />the audit report upon submission to the LGC. <br />13. The Auditor shall electronically submit the report of audit to the LGC as a text -based PDF file when (or prior to) <br />submitting the invoice for services rendered. The report of audit, as filed with the Secretary of the LGC, becomes a <br />matter of public record for inspection, review and copy in the offices of the SLGFD by any interested parties. Any <br />subsequent revisions to these reports must be sent to the Secretary of the LGC. These audited financial statements, <br />excluding the Auditors' opinion, may be used in the preparation of official statements for debt offerings, by <br />municipal bond rating services to fulfill secondary market disclosure requirements of the Securities and <br />Exchange Commission and other lawful purposes of the Governmental Unit without subsequent consent of the <br />Auditor. If it is determined by the LGC that corrections need to be made to the Governmental Unit's financial <br />statements, they should be provided within three days of notification unless another time frame is agreed to by the <br />LGC. <br />If the OSA designates certain programs to be audited as major programs, as discussed in item #2, agreed-upon <br />procedures report, a turnaround document and a representation letter addressed to the OSA shall be submitted to the <br />LGC. <br />The LGC's process for submitting contracts, audit reports and invoices is subject to change. Auditors should use the <br />submission process in effect at the time of submission. The most current instructions will be found on our website: <br /> aspx <br />14. Should circumstances disclosed by the audit call for a more detailed investigation by the Auditor than necessary <br />under ordinary circumstances, the Auditor shall inform the Governing Board in writing of the need for such <br />additional investigation and the additional compensation required therefore. Upon approval by the Secretary of the <br />LGC, this contract may be varied or changed to include the increased time and/or compensation as may be agreed <br />upon by the Governing Board and the Auditor <br />15. If an approved contract needs to be varied or changed for any reason, the change must be made in writing, on the <br />Amended LGC-205 contract form and pre -audited if the change includes a change in audit fee. This amended <br />contract needs to be completed in full, including a written explanation of the change, signed and dated by all original <br />parties to the contract, and then must be submitted through the audit contract portal to the Secretary of the LGC for <br />approval. The portal address to upload your amended contract is fg d.lea file net. No change <br />shall be effective unless annroved by the Secretary of the LGC the Governing Board and the Auditor. <br />16. Whenever the Auditor uses an engagement letter with the Governmental Unit, Item #17 is to be completed by <br />referencing the engagement letter and attaching a copy of the engagement letter to the contract to incorporate the <br />engagement letter into the contract. In case of conflict between the terms of the engagement letter and the terms of <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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