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BOOK 23 PAGi: 97 <br />meetings with the County, City of Sanford and Town of Broadway, an annual report to all <br />Board's during the fourth quarter, and provide monthly written reports in reference to current <br />activities of the LCEDC. <br />The LCEDC will also be tasked with developing a strategic marketing plan to be <br />completed by January 1, 2011 and presented to all Board's, along with organizing a joint <br />meeting of the funding boards and other stakeholders to discuss public/private partnerships to <br />assist with economic development and marketing plans. <br />With no further business to come before the Committee, Commissioner Dalrymple <br />adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m. <br />u `h <br />Amy M. d alrym(ple, Chai person <br />Lee County Economic Development Sub-Committee <br />r <br />,~tt+ <br />I n II"M. Lee, Cler <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEB COUN" <br />Presented for regWffdw On 0601 <br />of 9'U U 20.1n at <br />recorded In Book_-).3 -.Pop <br />Mollie A. McInnis, ReglsWof [Mob <br />