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s. 160-227 1961 CUMULATIVE SUPPLEMENT S. 160-249 <br /> street or a change in existing streets; provided, however, that the following shall not be included <br /> within this definition nor be subject to the regulations authorized by this part: (I) The combi- <br /> nation or recombination of portions of previously platted lots where the total number of lots is not <br /> increased and the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the municipality as shown <br /> in its subdivision regulations; (2) the division of land into parcels greater than five acres where <br /> no street right of way dedication is involved; (8) the public acquisition by purchase of strips of <br /> land for the widening or opening of streets; (4) the division of a tract in single ownership whose <br /> entire area is no greater than two acres into not more than three lots, where no street right of <br /> way dedication is involved and where the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of <br /> the municipality, as shown in its subdivision regulations. (1955. c. 1334, s. 1.) <br /> s. 160-227. Powers granted herein supplementary.--The powers granted to municipalities by this <br /> part shall be deemed supplementary to any powers heretofore or hereafter granted in their char- <br /> ters or by local statute for the same or a similar purpose, and in any case where the provisions of <br /> this part conflict with or are different from such provisions of any charter or local statute, the <br /> legislative body of the municipality may in its discretion proceed in accordance with the pro- <br /> visions of such charter or local statute, or, as an alternative method, in accordance with the pro- <br /> visions of this part. (1955, c. 1334, s. 1.) <br /> r. IRO-227.1 Counties exempt from part.—Alexander. Allegheny, Anson, Ashe, Bertie, Bladen, <br /> Brunswick, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, except the city of Shelby, Colum- <br /> bus. Cumberland. Dare, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Forsyth, Franklin, Granville, except the city of <br /> Oxford, Greene, Harnett, Hoke, except the town of Raeford, Johnston, Jones, Lee, McDowell, Meek- <br /> I_enburg. except the town of Davidson, Montgomery. Northampton, Onslow, Fender, Person, except <br /> t, rity of ltoxbnrn,. i'oik, Rockingham. Stokes, Surry, Warren, Watauga. Wayne. and Yadkin coun- <br /> ties are h.•i. • ••'.'r t f tun i•rnvision+ of this part. (1955. c. 1384, s. 2; 1957, cc. 718, 964 : c. 1455. <br /> v. N 1 2; I95 ' 424 4 2 rc. 834 910; 1961. cc 54, 180, 425. 599, 690. 857. 877. d91, <br /> 9;'t t" <br />