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s. 16(1-226.3 1961 CUMULATIVE, SUPPLEMENT 9. 160-226.6 <br /> lative body as defined herein without the approval of such plat by said legislative body as required <br /> in this part. The owner of land shown on a subdivision plat submitted for recording, or his au- <br /> thorized agent, shall sign a statement on the plat stating whether or not any land shown thereon <br /> is within the territorial jurisdiction of any municipality as defined herein. No clerk of superior <br /> court shall order or direct the recording to a plat where such recording would be in conflict with <br /> this section. (1955, c. 1334, s. 1.) <br /> s. 160-226.3. Subdivision regulations.—Prior to exercising the powers granted to it by this part, <br /> the municipal legislative body shall by ordinance adopted pursuant to this part adopt regulations <br /> governing the subdivision of land within its platting jurisdiction as defined in s. 160-226. Such <br /> ordinance shall require that at least a preliminary plan of every proposed subdivision shall be <br /> submitted for study recommendation and tentative approval to the legislative body or to a plan- <br /> ning board created and appointed under the authority of as. 160-22 to 160'24 of the General Stat- <br /> utes or other similar statutory authority. <br /> Such ordinance may provide for the orderly development of the municipality and its environs; <br /> for the coordination of streets within proposed subdivisions with existing or planned streets <br /> or with other public facilities; for the dedication or reservations of rights of way or easements <br /> for street and utility purposes; and for the distribution of population and traffic which shall avoid <br /> congestion and overcrowding, and which shall create conditions essential to public health, safety, <br /> and general welfare. <br /> Such ordinance may include requirements for the final plat to show sufficient data to determine <br /> readily and reproduce accurately on the ground the location, bearing, and length of every street <br /> and alley line, lot line, easement boundary line, and other property boundaries, including the radius <br /> and other data for curved property lines, to an appropriate accuracy and in conformance with <br /> good surveying practice. <br /> Such ordinance may provide for the more orderly development of subdivisions within the cor- <br /> porate limits by requiring the construction of community service facilities in accordance with muni- <br /> cipal policies and standards and, to assure compliance with such requirements, the ordinance may <br /> provide for the posting of bond or such other method as shall offer guarantee of compliance. (1955, <br /> c. 1331. s. 1 ; 1961, c. 1168.) <br /> s. 160-226..1. Effect of plat approval on status of dedications.—The approval of a plat by the legis- <br /> lative body shall not be deemed to constitute or effect the acceptance by the municipality or public <br /> of the dedication of any street or other ground, public utility line. or other public facility shown <br /> upon the plat. (1955, c. 1334, s. 1.) <br /> s. 160-226.5. Penalties for transferring lots in unapproved subdivisions.—If the legislative body <br /> of a municipality adopts an ordinance regulating the subdivision of land as authorized herein, any <br /> person who, being the owner or agent of the owner of any land located within the platting juris- <br /> d;cti n granted to the municipality lw s. 1G0-22G, thereafter transfers or sells such land by refer- <br /> ence to a plat showing a subdivision of such land before such plat has been approved by said legis- <br /> lative body and recorded in the office of the appropriate register of deeds, shall be guilty of a <br /> misdemeanor, and the description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other <br /> document used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the transaction from such <br /> penalties. Said municipality, through its city attorney or other official designated by its local <br /> legislative body, may enjoin such transfer or sale by action for injunction. (1955, c. 1334, s. 1.1 <br /> s. 160-226.6. Definitions.—For the purpose of this part, the following definition shall apply: <br /> Subdivision.—A "subdivision" shall include all divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or <br /> more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, <br /> or building development, and shall include all divisions of land involving the dedication of a new <br /> 69-S <br />