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1963 - 04-01-63 Regular Meeting
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1963 - 04-01-63 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
12/12/2018 1:10:44 AM
Creation date
7/16/2010 12:48:54 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Pas AA ' Galt- ici. <br /> a. 160.-226. G?unitfpat t..,jLLttve bsO ec Ow! 9 authtr'!. - i'n&s tetemituve body of any 'i-•or- <br /> porated city or town is hereby authorized to ens•t an „r d,nance regulating the platting and rec,,rd- <br /> ing of any subdivision of land as defined by this part ly:ng within the municipality or within one <br /> mile in all directions of its corporate limits and not located in any other municipality. In the <br /> event of land lying outside a municipality and lying within a distance of ore mile or more than <br /> one municipality, the jurisdiction of each such municipality shall terminate at a boundary line <br /> equidistant from the respective corporate limits of each such municipality. (1955, c. 1334, a. 1.) <br /> a. 160-226.1. Procedure for adopting subdivision ordinance.—Before the legislative body of any <br /> municipality shall adopt a subdivision control ordinance or any amendment thereto under the pro- <br /> visions of this part, the legislative body shall hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. <br /> A notice of such public hearing shall be given once a week for two successive calendar weeks in a <br /> newspaper published in such municipality. or if there be no newspaper published in the munici- <br /> pality, by posting such notice at four public places in the municipality, said notice to lie published <br /> the first time. or posted, not leas than fifteen days nor more than twenty-five days prior to the <br /> date fixed for said hearing. (1955, c. 1334, s. 1.) <br /> s. 160-226.2. Procedure for filing plat.--If the legislative body of a municipality adopts an ordi- <br /> nance regulating the subdivision of land as authorized herein, no subdivision plat shall be filed or <br /> recorded until it shall have been submitted to and approved by said legislative body and such ap- <br /> proval entered in writing on the plat by the city or town clerk provided a copy of such ordinance <br /> shall be filed with the register of deeds of the county or counties in which the municipality is <br /> situated. The register of deeds upon receipt of such ordinance shall not thereafter file or record <br /> a plat of a subdivision of land located within the territorial jurisdiction of such municipal legis- <br /> 6S-S <br />
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