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RIISOLUTIONS ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND <br /> MAKING APPROPPRIATIONS FOR THE OPERATION <br /> OF LEE COUNTY AND ITS VARIOUS AGENCIES, <br /> FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1965 <br /> WHEREAS, on the 6th day of July, 1964, a tentative budget was <br /> considered and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Lee County for the <br /> fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, and the same caused to be filed in the <br /> office of the Register of Deeds, where it has remained on file in said office <br /> for public inspection for a period of more than twenty (20) days, and notice <br /> thereof has been advertised in a newspaper and otherwise as provided by law; <br /> and whereas all citizens who have requested to be heard thereon have been <br /> afforded an opportunity to present their views and no complaint with reference <br /> thereto has been made; and whereas, it appears that said tentative budget and <br /> estimate as herein amended is now in order for final adoption; therefore, on <br /> motion of Commissioner duly seconded by Commissioner <br /> , the following resolutions were adopted, to-wit: <br /> BE IT RESOLVED that a tax rate of one dollar and ten cents on <br /> each one hundred ela&tars valuation of tensible property in Lee County for the <br /> fiscal year beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965, be and the same <br /> is hereby adopted, fixed and established. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a tax rate of fifteen cents on <br /> each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in Sanford Graded <br /> School District and a tax rate of fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars <br /> valuation of taxable property in Jonesboro Graded School District, be and the <br /> same hereby is adopted, fixed and established for the fiscal year beginning <br /> July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965, the said rate to be used to supple- <br /> ment the school funds of said districts in order to maintain schools at a <br /> higher standard than the established State maximum. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: <br />