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Commissioner Dotterer moved the unpaid bills as listed <br /> by the County Accountant be approved for payment and paid. <br /> Commissioner Ledwell seconded the motion and upon a vote <br /> itt was duly adopted. <br /> Commissioner Dotterer moved the adoption of the following <br /> resolution: <br /> WHEfiMS the board of Commissioners of Lee County believe <br /> that the Work Release Program is beneficial end economical: <br /> PTOa ';iiiik: iSFOnt; BA It` :ir- ;i!LV D by the Board of Commissioners <br /> of Lee County that the Sheriff and Keeper of the common jail of Lee <br /> County is encouraged to fully cooperate with the authorities of the <br /> State Prison Department to fully implicate the work ielease )erogrnm <br /> where applicable. <br /> Commissioner Cox seconded the :notion end upon a vote <br /> it was unanimously adopted. <br /> written reports from the ,thsriff of Lee County and <br /> Clerk of Superior Court were presented to the Board. <br /> Mr. Prank Carter appeared. before the 3oard at its request <br /> and stated that the invoice for cans of tobacco charged to the county <br /> represented purchases for use by prisoners worked around the court house. <br /> Mr. Carter was instructed not to purchase any more tobacco. <br /> Commissioner Cox inquired whether or not an appointment <br /> of a 'fax Collector would be made at this meeting. rho Chairman <br /> instructed the Clerk to read the names of all the persons from whom <br /> applications had been received. The Chairman announced that Mr. <br /> Odward T. hall had withdrawn his application for the position. <br /> Commissioner Dotterer made a motion that a Tax <br /> Collector be hired. Coaaniosloner Ptkina seconded the motion and upon <br /> a vote it was duly adopted. <br /> There was a dizcussion about the salary that would have <br /> to be paid to secure a new ':'ex Collector and about the salaries for <br /> other comparable positions. Commissioner Cox stated that he thought <br /> the Board should fill the vaca:aies on the Planning Board and the <br /> Board of Adjustment for the City of Sanford before they proceeded <br /> to select the 'Paz Collector. Commissioner Cox moved that Mr. Max <br /> Glaser) mod Mr. R. S. Williamson he appointed to the City Planning <br /> Board for terms of three yearn to expire on the 30th day of June. <br /> 1967 and that V!r. R. Barry 'seard be appointed to the City Planning <br /> board to fill out the unexpired term of Mrs. Annie L. tomerans <br /> which expires on the 30th day of Jane 1966. Commeiasioner Dotterer <br /> seconded the motion and upon a vote they were unanimously elected. <br /> Commissioner Cox moved that Mr. J. islton Cameron and <br /> Mr. P. L. Johnson, Jr. he appointed to the Board of Adjustment for <br /> three year terms which would expire on the 30th day of June, 1967 <br /> and that Mr. A. M. Cooke be appointed to the hoard of Adjustment to <br /> fill out the unexpired tern of Mr. Edward Taylor which expires on the <br /> 30th day of June , 1965. <br /> • Commissioner Dotterer seconded the motion and upon <br /> a vote they were unanimously elected. <br /> Commissioner Dottere moved the adoption of the <br /> following resolution: <br /> That from and after the first day of :optember, 1964 <br /> the Tax Collector, Tax Supervisor and register of Deeds be paid an <br /> annual salary of 5000.00 and in addition thereto the fax Collector <br /> and Tax Supervisor shall be allowed travel allowance up to ;,300.00, <br /> to be paid at the rate of .070 per mgle. <br /> Page 5. <br />