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BOCK 6 PAGE 338 <br /> Mrs. Louise Dowdy appeared before the Board and gave a report on the <br /> Health Department's activities. She also presented the written report of Mr. Hugh <br /> Tally as County Sanitarian. <br /> Commissioner Kelly moved that the monthly bills as listed by the County <br /> Accountant with the exception of the first item be paid. Commissioner McLeod <br /> seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote it was unanimously adopted as follows: <br /> Aye: Kelly, Ledwell, McLeod, Yow and Dotterer <br /> No: None <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner Yow, seconded by Commissioner Ledwell, <br /> and unanimously adopted it was resolved to draw jurors for the criminal term of <br /> Superior Court beginning on August 2nd, 1965. Jurors were drawn as follows: <br /> PAGE SIX <br />