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BOOK 6 PAGE 377 Page Six <br /> BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $2, 600.00 of the un- <br /> appropriated surplus in the General Fund derived from non- <br /> tax sources be appropriated for use of Sandhills Community <br /> Action Program, Inc. <br /> Commissioner McLeod seconded the motion and it was adopted by a <br /> majority vote as follows: <br /> AYE: Kelly, McLeod, Dotterer <br /> PASS: Ledwell <br /> NAY: Yow <br /> Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and <br /> gave a report of his collections for the month of August. Mr. Crissman also presented <br /> his statement of settlement for 1964 levy. After discussion it was accepted by the Board <br /> upon motion of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Ledwell and a <br /> unanimous vote as follows: <br /> AYE: Kelly, Ledwell, McLeod, Yow and Dotterer <br /> NAY: None <br /> The statement of settlement is as follows: <br />