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C .iML:,.*.IONEl'ilS 1'0U. LE COUNTY, that the <br /> 'Pax Collector is authorized anti empowered to <br /> remit and refund the foregoing taxes. <br /> Cortaritearioner Ledwell seconded the in0t1 nn and <br /> upon a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted as <br /> follows: <br /> Aye: Kelly, Ledwell, McLeod, Yt,w and Eicuerer <br /> Nay: Nene <br /> Mrs. Louise Coady .appeared before the.anrd and <br /> presented the wFituenreport of Mr. Hugh Talley, County Sanitarian, and <br /> gave the report on behalf of the County Health Department. <br /> The Board test considered the current stete1 Aeets ruin <br /> invoices but at the regent of Commissioner Ledwell, deferred action ea the <br /> accouuts until the afternoon session. <br /> Upon motion made, duly seconded., and unaatcaorssly adopted, <br /> the meeting recessed far lunch at twelve o'clock noon. <br /> The meeting reconvened at two &clock p. .us. with all <br /> Commissioners presort except Cot .nrzsisioner arsily. <br /> Chein ant € arer presided end the following business was <br /> transacted: <br /> The atombiy hills as listed by the Comity- Mcountant and <br /> supported day tnvatce a were approvedfor payx:vent by motion made by <br /> Conti d.msionrr Vow, seconded by Commissioner Ledwell wad adgted <br /> snanireously by a roll call vote as follows: <br /> Aye: Leewell: zcicLeced. Yaw eatti3 Eeetterrea <br /> Nay: None <br /> wiles Mary Scott Gurley, Ltbreriust, appeared before the Board <br /> and gave a .r, + t ma-the activities of the County Library. Miss Gurley flied <br /> with the %« . z au audit of the Library's fiscal affairs. <br /> ttaiesieeer gaily reelatned the meeting and participated to <br /> the further deliberations of-the Board. <br /> Mr, W. H". der. of Sanford, appeared before the Board and- <br /> requested r-efusd of S9.9L pe salty paid on a tax estatement rich he ear; ,. <br /> never received. <br /> No acrlo a was taken at his time upon this request. <br /> Mr. Hurt'. Brewer.r. Sups dent cif County Buildings., appeared <br /> before the Board and eve a report an his activi ties' s the .preceding month. <br /> Mr. 'W. b. Gregescm, Veterans Service Officer, appeared before <br /> the Board and gave the a aaxte rly report of the-ward of Tams Affairs. <br /> Mr. L. L. Beckham, Director. app erred befor€ the heard and <br /> gave a report on the activities of the Civil Defer Fit. <br /> At. J. ter Sakes, Register of foals, appeared before the <br /> &sat$and gave a report cm his coilecttoa s of the preecdiug trade <br />