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Mr. Raymond Ledford ;;pesreci before the Board and gave a report on the <br /> activities of the i:eparttnent cif e'nb1lc Welfare. <br /> Mr. L. L. &'ckhsm, Lirector, appeared before the lloaru and gyve a report <br /> cis the sctivitle,s of the Sanford-Lee County Lee-art:neat of Civil [':efens;e. <br /> Mr. J. Chandler Bakes. 'i.cgieter of heed , appeared before the Board ;ann gave <br /> a report on the documents regieatered and fees collected by Ilia office during the montia of <br /> November. <br /> Chairman isattorer road letter from Mr. J. F. Hockaday, Euportatendeat of <br /> Sanford City Schools ratting forth steps taken to comply with Grand Jury requests, <br /> Upon metiers of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Ledweil, <br /> the Board resolved to contribute Twenty-Five Coiinre from the unappropriated surplus in <br /> the General Fund derived from non-tax sources to the Cowell Training School by a roll <br /> call vote a:, follows: <br /> Aye: Leciwell, McLeod, Vow ant l onerer <br /> Absent: Kelly <br /> Nay: None <br /> The sheeting recessed for lunch at 12:14 o'clock noon. <br /> The meeting reconvened at 2:0G o'clock P.M. with all commissioners <br /> present . Chairmen Dottcrer presider. urd the following business was transacted: <br /> Mr. fames L. Clark. Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Boars and presented <br /> his recommendations for values to be used la listing property for taxation. Upon motion of <br /> Commiseionrr Yaw, seconded by Comraiasfoter McLeedc, it was unaairuously recmived to <br /> approve the following: <br />