BOOK 6 FrAGE 429
<br /> - 2 .. 171\
<br /> a, No peewit or inspection shall be required for minor repair work, ash so the roplasemont of leaps, or the eon-
<br /> sooting et portable devise to citable receptacles which have been peemnsatly installed.
<br /> b. Ifs pseait all be required for the installation, alteration or repair of eleotrie wiring, dasieeo, appliance
<br /> mad equip/oat installed by or for an eloetriesl pall* conies corporation for the use if soh corporation in tic peer-
<br /> alien
<br /> atie t mnneimeian, distribution or metering of colostral arty, or for ties use of suet corporation in the operation
<br /> et OI®als or the translation of int.11ltynos.
<br /> (3) Any prom my be permitted to portals' eloetrissl work upon his own property, except property intended for rent,
<br /> sale or gift, provided he firer was application for sad obtains a permit Cron the electrical taspotor to de the spee-
<br /> itte work sontsglated, provided applicant satisfies the cleetrtoal inspector that he to oeapetont to perform the ark
<br /> for which smelt is rog.ostod in a mar which will at all statutory and ordinance requirements. If se satisfied,
<br /> tie oleetrloal inopaotor dm11 lean a pewit to So applicant personally to perform the partioular work for whit sppli-
<br /> cation cos mode. Pah permit shall extend to the applicant only and shall not authorise the applicant to employ the ar-
<br /> ras of any other person to assist his unless cash ether person le a qualified ocntrmator. Tho snit granted the appli-
<br /> sant all awto®tiealy expire upon assalstiea et tuns work for alit application mar made and the permit taowad. All
<br /> cork dam under *mob permit shall be saJ et to regular olastriesl inspection requinaeste and fees and shall be required
<br /> to satiety all statutory and erdlaahee requirements applicable to nob work.
<br /> (4) In lieu of an individual permit for each installation or alteration, an annual permit ohnll, upon application
<br /> therefor, be losnd to ape person, firm or corporation regularly employing one or mere oleetrisiaae for the installation
<br /> and maintenance of elevtrlc wiring devise, spoliationsad equipment en praise owned or occupied by tbo applicant for
<br /> nnual ths permit. The application for sash a permit all be ads in naive to to electrical laspeotor and shall osn-
<br /> taln a dsosriptiem et the proalm within tab work is to be dew under the permit. The preen, tin or eerperation le
<br /> which an anal permit is lsaad nball Sop a record of all slaetrl. wiring, devises, appliances and equipment installed
<br /> under said permit, and the elsetrtest inspector shall has seem to sreh reword. Each annual peewit shall expire on
<br /> December of the year la vhieh it was le*mod.
<br /> (5) Ito permit, oxeept an annual permit, or personal permit as outlined in subsection (3) above, for tie installation
<br /> or alteration of ape elootrle wiring,ouc twine sealantsor equipment shell be isasd to any preen, firm or aorperatioa
<br /> lase hnh person, tiro or corporation to tin hold of an electricalliana
<br /> contraotor's linse Seat by the Perth Carolina
<br /> State Beard of Cminers of Elostrisal Contractors.
<br /> (6) Upon completion of any tactallatlan for which a permit and/or inspection is required, it shall be the duty of the
<br /> person installing sane is notify the oleotrisal inspeotor, who shall inspect the installation vithia tag hours of Oho tine
<br /> ash rota Is gismo if possible, and in me cams shall inspections be delayed more them one oak.
<br /> (7) There IS electrical iasgeetcr fiat as isstslletion to be la aenitoreiy with the previsions of the Public Safety
<br /> as of the flats peening electrical wiring tastallatiomo and materials sad of this erdimaoe, he all loss a arti-
<br /> flea% of approval in duplicate, one for the utility furnishing the Metrical senior and ens fer the property °vmr.
<br /> (A) Tin person working in the calamity of cictrieim in sharp of ay Job stall ban la his possession and on tha
<br /> praise vhero work is being performed woritsm'e identification Gerd or some other roeognind identl.ftoatiea, whowlag
<br /> that he is in the employ of a qualified and licensed electrical contractor.
<br /> (T) Then a sartifieab of approval to issued authorising the aaaneetion and use of temporary work, sash certificate
<br /> shall be Issued to expire at a time to be stated therein and dell be rewocsbls by the electrical iaspeeter ter sauce.
<br /> • preliminary •ertif irate et approval nay be Issued authorising the oonaoetion and use of certain apeslf to portions of
<br /> as inecaplstod installation! ash certificate shall be reaaable at the discretion of tin eloetrteal laspeoter.
<br /> (10) Additional inspections, or inspection trips made accessary through the failure of any electrical eentraeter, er
<br /> e loetriaian in sharp of work, to give spoeifio lisation of work to be inspected, Sr failure to install wiring or appa-
<br /> ratus in preps muter, or to otherwise create conditions making ash additional Sanctions or tripe neessary, are hen-
<br /> by designated 'Extra Electrical Inspections". Tor each such Krtra Electrical Inspection' a face of $3.00 shall b *harped
<br /> apinst and paid by said contrasts or electrician to tic County Electrical Inapeetien Darbent. Setbiag heroin stall
<br /> be co strand to require extra tee* for the eesrol inspections ands smeary in IS ropnlar oar of electrical eoastnn-
<br /> tic work.
<br /> maw u
<br /> SECTI061 1. partamATIOI STAPPARCI.
<br /> All installations shall be in omfommiy with tic provisions of the Public, Safety La et Ur State of Oartb Carolina
<br /> darning elestrleal wiring installations and materials sad of this ordinate.
<br /> (1) Care two er mere lighting and receptacle circuits an required la addition to the special tse etroaita 1a
<br /> a telling, .srosad lights and roeeptaeloe hall be so divided that each rasa will be served by at l a eirmmlto.
<br /> (T) There the building eonetruetion is of brisk sonar exterior, the electrical contractor all install a suitable
<br /> anchorage to the framework to anppert the senic drop so that no strain will be applied to the brisk wear. The ear-
<br /> 1 vice drop breab ecu t or fixture shall be sred by scan sera,of r , bolts or logs. hallo tall not be need la may ace.
<br /> (3) Service equipment shall not be located to any attic, °lithos closet, titahsn cabinet, bat roman, toilet roes,
<br /> coal bin, or la ape roes or space which may be normally apt lased.
<br />