BOOK 13 PAGE 446
<br /> ADTtcis
<br /> 00740 .. AhlgTh CAA. inPFC7422 -- WAWICATIC$4. *ProWIRPT. WARY OP pgiD.
<br /> Teen is hereby noised the offi.e of Comity Electrioal Iaapeeter, The parson shown to f111 the office of demo.
<br /> Slntrteal Inspector akoll ban at least a high oohool edusaticn, shall be a eoepotent elestrieian of food meal eau
<br /> ester; and shall be gwlitlod for the position as required by 0.5. 160-122; shall be possessed of such egseutin n%I
<br /> it, se to raquloite for the efficient portoraanee of his duties and ball an a thorough knowledge of the shutters
<br /> aton ale aid methods used in the installation of slsetrio wiring, Soviets, appliances and equipment{ shall be wall
<br /> versed to apprond methods of elestriaal oonotruetion for safety to life and property, the Statutes of the State of
<br /> Berth Carolina relating to cleotrieel work, the rules and regulations issued under authority of the Statutes, the
<br /> National Electrical Cob, as approved by the Asertsan Standards Association and the National Ilnetrinai Safety Cods,
<br /> as approved by the American Staa ards /seociation,
<br /> The County Electrical lnspeetorslall be appointed by ttt Board of County Comalseionero, who shall provide for him
<br /> the instnmont■ neoeseary for his to properly make electrieal inspections, sod before beginning his duties he must be
<br /> approved and certified by the State mamas. Department.
<br /> The salary to be paid to the Ilcetrieal Inspector shall be determined by the card of County Comeiseioners, Defers
<br /> entering upog�the sus of his titles, he Wall filo a bond in the n of 7/• 000 Dollars, payable to
<br /> �F County, said bond to be apprond by the Board of County Cosats0iomere and oeeditiesed
<br /> upon the faithful performance of Me duties. the Electrical Inspector ball also take and subscribe an oath, ditch
<br /> together with the certificate of his appeintaent, shall be tiled with the Clerk to tie Board of Ceding Oe>alesienersi
<br /> -4-- ..- m.h wlie.m..r..�h�.nrn
<br /> It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspctor to enforce all State and local Isms governing slestrioal installa-
<br /> tions and materials, to lasts permits for and to ask* inspections of all new olotriesl installations and lush ether
<br /> permits and inspections as by be proscr113*d by the County Comisaioners. If no permit is required, then the inapes-
<br /> tton certificate of approval shall ocnstitute both a permit for and a oertifioate of approval. Om a form !baited by
<br /> the State Insurance Department, the Inspector stall make a monthly report of all inspections made. and foss solicited
<br /> in triplicate,, one oopy of which report Is to be given to the Clerk to the Board of County Ceoieotoner0 or macs ether
<br /> designated agent, one copy to be sent to the Insurance Department to is kept as a permanent record, and one tow to be
<br /> retained by the Inspctor, then all eortiflostes of inopeetion ham been sewed, oath inspeetiea pad with stubs fully
<br /> ooapleted oust be filed with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners at a petmanont reseed.
<br /> It stall also be the duty of the County Electrical Inspector to make inspections of all schools in his territery in
<br /> compliance with G,S. 115-150.1 and 2.
<br /> The Electrical inspector shall am the right during reasonable hours to enter any building in tie daseargp of hie •
<br /> off lc tat duties, or for the purpose; of taking any inspection, reinspection or test of the Installation of *Metric
<br /> wiring, devlcee, appliance and equipment-contained therein, arid shall have the authority to out or disooaeeet any
<br /> win in case of emergency when necessary for safety to life and property. Said Ileetrieal Inspector is hereby am-
<br /> thorned to disconnect, or order the diseontinusnee of electrical service to any electric wiring, devises, sppllarees
<br /> w oquipwent found to be denprous to life or property botause It 1s detettin or defectively installed until gals
<br /> wiring devl ce. appliance and equipment and their installation have been mule eats and approved by said IMetrial
<br /> In epee tor,.
<br /> (1) The term "inepeotion" as referred to in this ordinance stall mean tits necessary scrutiny and si nking at a
<br /> wiring installation to determine whether or not the installation as been ado in conformity lath State and heal lame
<br /> governing wiring installations and materials. The inspector shall have and use the necessary tnetnronts and tools
<br /> for testing each installation as to insulation, oontinuity, polarity, etc,. No roughing-!a work will be smoldered eea-
<br /> plote until all joints aro properly made, soldered and taped, nor until all service omiteheo, control witches, *intuit
<br /> 'abinets end regents/ties, together with their appropriate trims and covers, are properly placed and the groiading eon-
<br /> nee'Lions have been made.
<br /> (2) Nv electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed within or on any building, etnature,
<br /> preens, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any bush existing wiring„ devises, appliances or equipment
<br /> without secting e, permit, if required, therefor and having an inspection thereof mad* by the county eleetrical inspae-
<br /> tor except as stated in the following paragraphs a. and b, below.
<br /> •
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