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C'ocnrnlenioner s:etly inquired a to the, license fees charged for the practice <br /> mf ;Wimletry. Investigation aclosed that the mini m= fee levied was $2PfJ.c111. <br /> rim conainb,slouera e:ir',:Casa::?ee+ the overdraft is the forest fire control budget <br /> by equipment rentals to tigat thy Eire to eoccet 'Dona-hip. tvv ectioa watt taken at tlrta• <br /> tulle. <br /> 'Trot pveittan af electrical iampcctor v,m;, diescuascd anti Conataais.sstaner Yo:�• <br /> war- aeaLLusted ee+ the 1300-11:4't representative to: corder with the Sanford Board of Aldermen <br /> core raitag tilt nppattumcct et an inaTcctur to serve both areas. <br /> Mr. 9. . T. Proctor, Feria Horne Administration representative, appearee <br /> before the Lnsrci and hold them, that grant: were available to undone a coraprahanmlve county <br /> •wiCt suxvty of the aeec of water end e+ee,er facilities. Mr. Proctor was requeste0 to forward <br /> to the Clerk the raateria! available which set," fortis thu requirements sin! procedure far <br /> obtaining* such grsarcv. <br /> Mr. Pipkir., *sorest itanger, appeared before the Board and explained that <br /> It ire?.s tat-c:aurary to rout equip/neat to fight the sire in Pocket Tovrneshlp because there were <br /> 24 fire: is the dir.trict on the dote the Lee County fire rstarrea. Coat niseloucr Vow moved <br /> that the toliewing resolution he adopted. <br /> MI IT RESOLVED that the earn of $315.3i7 be api:ropriated from the <br /> unapproi rIat-G sur;:.lus In the Geacrail ?tad to the Parent Fire Control fund <br /> to covet the county'& shard of an iucruu.sec1 twtai api:roirlatlon of $900.00 for <br /> er. enfaa Incurred in ft sttag a fire In Pocket Txt:mt tip. <br /> ClouwU se-loner Mt Lilted s;ecood d tam motion. It was unaulanouely idoptee by a, roll <br /> caIi aaete ati follows. <br /> Aye: Kelly, Laths:ell, t,acl.euc. Yew anon i'g;aterer <br /> Nay: Notre <br /> The meeting recessed for Lunch at 12:00 o'clock noon. <br /> The meet la reconvcaxd at 2:0,3 o'clock. P.M. Pretest were C3vsirmwn John <br /> E. Dotterer, and Comrntstinners Sion H. Cclty, Mn Mc.Le a and C.harice R. Yew. <br /> Conimiuslaear J. T. lxdweli twee absent. <br /> tir. B. M. ;.Inderwoos. Jr., appeared before the Loezci turd presentee the <br /> budget estimate. <br /> Shortly after Mr. Jrutle:GoocI beau catati ea'pUwatuae of the budget estianete <br /> Cvmraiantoner J. T. Lcdvreil joined the ..necting sue- participated la Ulu hardier deliberations <br /> of the 13hurd. <br /> After the review- of the budget eiatlenete rut dlscuaslau of the various ogspro- <br /> rintiona by the ,C:,ard, Winini siouer Yew rnovec the adoption of die following re*olutian: <br />