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?ar. Bishop Pattie-hall and "r. Moyle Johnson of 'Deep River Townhtp <br /> appeant b©furw the ;loam and preucated a petition rss ueslLzg that Etcv eatery 4VMC Ho. I42S, <br /> winch gotsz brom U. S. highway t4e7. I by Junt+r CbuaA e1 Medit,dia Church, be la t,:raved by <br /> paving. Alter caasiaerttttoa and discos:doe by the Board, Commissioner Z.Iiy moveu the <br /> adoproa of rite foiiowia : <br /> \cli`w3:tEAS, the pond of t%wnty C>aramiseleueta of the meaty of Lee <br /> has turiairlgrnad the coaaiittem of the Above described rued w:aaictt is now a part <br /> of the system of roads maintained by the State Highway Cataasni6aa1e1n, and wblch <br /> its Imitated is red so tee map attached to the petition; and <br /> hkiiti'tiSAS, alter careful consideration or the services rend rod by said <br /> rand cootie Ms traffic demands Paf said county. it Is dammed.necessary that Bald <br /> mod be In:proved to Birder to better service the inlentts of the people :if tide <br /> sway; <br /> Now. dt'tl?Ji.Eit:plies, be it resolved. and tier Board of Couasateelaarsra <br /> hereby approves sad requests that the Sett highway Co' implosion make Use <br /> LaUz wtag improvements In ES above described road: Paved. <br /> The monthly bills as tabulated by tto County Accountant were presented to <br /> the r.. , *. Upon motion of Larasaratays{orn r itia:Leo seconded by Commissioner icily. the <br /> Board unanimously usly ordered the hilts paid. <br /> The mews, its the office of Cow4nhlc of Pocket Township was discusser} by <br /> the, 'Ward. It appeared that Mr. Luz Lett was the unopposed. ao ainec of the L®u2tacretic <br /> Party for tshlc office and that has desired to start his duties as ssca:a as possible and that <br /> Me Ward was ,authorized to ALL varancieas In this n r° under (Moot# Statute 151,-p. <br /> Canunissiouar McLeod maven thin Mr. Lent Lett be spin/rated Constable of Pocket Township, <br /> subject to qns tt° emcees as by tam required, to hold office until Ai& regular tern brut on <br /> the first Monday La December, I966. Comndnluner Kelly seconded the mot an and upon a <br /> vote it wan unaasanoussby adopted. <br /> Sheriff L. i', Fr.alcZr 4picare4 before the toast and requested authority to <br /> appoint as deputy she:rine to sent without ctriive iest:3 a the tellowiaui;: <br /> Glean Cole Join 5atyne Cnzlpbell <br /> Charles 1 . Beck John M. Campbell <br /> &ten Hamer i:.s.rxp L. Lens <br /> Hugh Cs''. Brewer. Jr. S. Su s <br /> 4v'tiilauaa s aadltc James Gilbert George <br /> M. Laird i'Eart agton <br /> After discussion, Commicsirpaer Yew Enos& that the appointment by the <br /> sheriff ofteese ppctlesnent at deputy sheriffs to scree without conigefoation be eutberIzza <br /> and approved. Commissioner Kelly aecuradec the meant and ups a vets it was weatnlauou1ly <br /> adopted. <br /> Chairman Douern Toad to the chard +a Letter from bier. Victor King r uelting <br /> the Coaisty to allow the hcailsoad House Association to display the portrait of Aobnt li. Lee <br /> }Abigail by Mrs. Cress. Commissioner Vow :novas that the portrait be loaned to ttse asr+clr•tius <br /> l:t elap)ap far au indefinite per40r . Commissioner t„tsay.cll seconded the motion e,:te; upon a <br /> gate It w +irmimiy adopted. <br />