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Weilii(EAS, the attached lietitioa bar: been Wed with the Beare of <br /> Coaehty Comnalasionere of the County of Lee requesting that the above <br /> 4/scribed road. the location of which tits been Indicate in red ca the attached <br /> map. be added the the Sccondery enet Systern: and <br /> 1:li1:i.&AS, the Board of Comity Cowie1naleaers is of the opintoa that <br /> the above described road should be added to the Secondary Rood System, It <br /> the toad meets minimum standards and criteria eftabliaahed by the State <br /> Highway Commisaitan for the a&sitsuu of made to the System. <br /> NOW, THERE POIILL be it resolved by the Sand of County Cotaun- <br /> Iselloners of the County of Lee that the State Highway Comtalaa'ioa is botchy <br /> requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for <br /> nataintew nce it it meetw eatablisbed standards aad criteria. <br /> Commissioner Yew ssecovdee the motion and upon a vote it wet unanhnouciy <br /> adopted. <br /> Mt. Stewart Thomas apeearee before the Board and presented a petition <br /> reque:atIng that Highland Street, a cut-de-sac road in Country Lae Acrea anthdivlttou be <br /> added to.theestate maintained road system. Mr. Torras stinted that the developer;: and <br /> property swuerra had agreed to pay for pavine this roam. Cvmrnte;sioncr Kelly moved the <br /> adoltion of the fallowing reselutizaa: <br /> ;;itliitEAS, the attached petition hate been tiled with the beard of County <br /> Commissioners of the County of requesting that the above described road. <br /> the location of which has been Indicated in rend an the attached tuap. be added to <br /> the Secondary Moats Syctcr:nnei <br /> veilEll.EAS, else Board of Ceuuty Couarniesioners by of the opinion that <br /> the above described road should be added to the ieemulary Road System; it the <br /> road meets eriatmuw standard': and criteria established by the State tit sway <br /> Commi:asicn for the addition of reacts to the Syntern. <br /> NOW, THBBETeteitli, be It resolve° by the now] at County Cotamiaasiunere <br /> of the County of La that the State Highway Cute u.teston lad hereby requested to <br /> review the above described react, end to take over the reed ter maintenance If it <br /> mewls established standards and criteria. <br /> Cometituderar Yew scconaecl the rnotkw ead rpxm a vote it wee uaanitawualy <br /> wdupted, <br /> Mr. J. Allen tā€¢iarringt m, a seirman of the Board of Stewards of Steele Street <br /> Methodist Church, appeared before the Board and preewited a petition re questirts that <br /> Leaamorzd Drive be added to the state tnaintaiued county road eyete.L. Mr. Harrington and <br /> Mr. Stewart Thomas stated to the Hearn that the road would be accepted by the State as a <br /> cossetting read from Car ontun dead to Spring lane testension even tb3aJ13 It went throat,^,h <br /> a subdivisions. Commlaasiouer Kelly moved the adoptbuaa of the followlnd rteblution: <br /> WHEREAS, the ntteehed ,petition has beta filed with the guard of Comity <br /> Ce mmiseionera of the County of La requesting that the above adetcribed roes, <br /> the location of which has bccn indicated in red -ire the aattecbud rvsp,, be addoe to <br /> the Secondary Road System: one <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of County Comi:alual>snors .is of the opinion that the <br /> above deverthesl road chorld be aaddeu to the Secondary 'read System, if the road <br /> meets minimum ttaradardes and criteria eamblicthecs by the State Pieshway Comm- <br /> ission for the addition of reads to the System. <br /> NOW, Ttitltiel'OfeE, be it reel veal.key the Ward et County Co& itd r+luneres <br /> of the Courtly of Leo that the State lili;:acray Oonna seten Is hereby requested to <br /> review the above described rasa, and to take aver the runs ter .matifleiiae:cc if It <br /> meets easelljthe l Etanelp.39 and criteria. <br />