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tic meeting recesset at i2:GU o'clock. noon for lunch. <br /> The meeting rtcanvcncd ac "i:Li; :,-clock v,.age. With all commissioner, preaeat. <br /> Chairman iterer ;:rattled and the foIlJa{ng busirlc1,.:, wail; transacted: <br /> .41-,der to Clyde Atkins auu. rie .i:r, i.A.a 1, Mr. Robert Wia.rris. ',Sanford City <br /> Jt.'u9ntager: Mr. T. ',v. ldcl' aa.i c, 3awbsrt 7.31nlalasna i-hooing :.ifficer; is r. . I . i trvia, <br /> District Hcsit:1 .i,tfteor appeared before the Board. The Izaaastici :yl efilcials stated that the <br /> City of Srnford 'rya cotuemislatlt a air teriiiutIoa ordinance and rec-'.0 attd the County to <br /> take sunder stout,. Chairrrtsn Caterer advised the wtuaiclpta; afficiaic that the COMM somas <br /> +aa'efy rlsbaletc this problem tii.roos-h As stealth uepartnz,eat and that Allay, why Dr. Garvin had <br /> bean :ekes to he ;;resent. It. Garvin xtatett that it would tate action by tbsa District Health <br /> 1,%a'g:;4t;tuatat tr, 4.topt a a;lnrtct wide reguiathaa ant that tie did not believe the district barn. <br /> r.x;utta do it. After discussion among toe, Ceerd, Latattait4ouer Yow Moved that the Board <br /> request the 1:1ftector of the District Health Department to submit the consideration of ea <br /> lar ;xatilation rtguiat oot to the District kaccare of Health at it*.. next meeting. <br /> ih rc that followed a diecaueulon of county wide aarbagu collection :cad <br /> o;s ration of Uai© fill dump. Upon motiwaa of Coutat dotter McLeod, seconded by Commt:u,- <br /> toner law and unanimously adopted it vas resolved to ,-ursux, 1 fanuability slily of the <br /> joint operation. by the County and Clay of Santini of such r. aurae. Ch alrmsu Utterer <br /> ai+,;x,inteit Cotuitlaastcacr 'Wicker to be the representative of the &:arct on such it stue.y. <br /> Mr. T. 'T. Hayes, Architect, of the firm of Hayes-Howell and Ar.isoclatee, <br /> Nppearesd before the tSeacrd tad: easeed the fluty of courthouse changes. He wars direct'ec! <br /> tw ;,revarc azs eltitimaui of fist coat'of the study for consideration by the bard. <br /> There wars a discussion of toe u4ylti ht raving legislation but an format action <br /> na taken. <br /> The Chairman advlketi the &nrd censicleratton of the aa.sesia neuc ratio vma tha* <br /> tten item of ha:afaass. C.:eanmltaioner Your axsovecl teat than aasasenioent rstia aS d eflnee by <br /> General Statist* 105-294 be ice; .at a . Corumlteicaer tvcthaci seeondect the lotion and upn <br /> I .'.. VOW It vies u nani tou*iy adopted. <br /> Commissioner McLeod moved that the r;ert write Spew request a copy ,:i the <br /> audit of the District Health iinpartantnt Her fiscal year a ding jwie 34, 1460. <br /> Mr. i7. W. '..cyL Ass, Att wty for Led Cwaaty Hospital, Hospital -I`c wtede <br /> Mrs. phallic SYtat:r, Mr. T. C. Haar+rli, ;vlr. ;:.). Cannon, Mr. Harry S. :vtFilttr, and <br /> Mr. Forces; Unease appeared before the I a.arci relative to leasitsg the hospital property Gait <br /> its operation to a titan profit ca ration. The ilacurmitt were reviewed in 6 tazl. and YAriou <br /> revlttioais were :i.uca,estec: cad dincuvit1/43. The t ouaaty Attorney sues the -:attorney for Ow 3.wts.;ta`::1 <br /> were requested to prepare new drake of the oacuttnenca based on the rovia}brie suggested ut <br /> this meeting. <br /> sitar nppr.iatal of the property adjoiulag the heertta1 cite \vat; presented to the <br /> rb'?wrc. <br /> A ratpresewta:ivd, of the Salon': Heroic ai,peared before the &ward dad preseatec <br /> au se layout for use in a o,,:ce1ti AE.vuu coL:aaaemutatuic; the founding, of Lea County. No action <br /> erns tekkca by the Mari;. <br /> • <br /> Upon realm mere, seconded one unanimously tuaop:teu, it was .resolved to adjourn <br /> this month until Friday, fvfnrch 10, 1967 at :i;IO o'clock p.ra. at the CAaminiralonar'.; Eioam in <br /> the Lee °malty Ccrctrthuuue tit Sanford, t4t.,rth Circling. <br /> --Soho is. smatterer, M.D. , Chairman <br /> • <br /> Kenneth it. Ht$b Ltenz `- <br /> H <br />