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(a"?' rise 11Ut741 ?attwr3Tt$y fhic 1:+tattance Ut Si <br /> `frL.d.tu o ti ;ae:s's i31 tte 4;i eury F'r Lac: iritrociuteci •Yt tee i/a t1b :%n rd :.11 S.AtS,I.'S'i'iGlafABta <br /> .kclYS': ary :!, i.)J7. b; ''Aere1 y i't.'. p'j:tctc; littaCnu ..:t ari,ic or 1a:c`R3ihCini . <br /> () ?Ike Clark `••4 the bcr:nr4 1:. %1 crrviby .6l actec. t!3 cowwtaK A copy ilf:fi' b na 'r6:r <br /> Co bit i:"tiblicihei:5 with t"1C: CtAtc'a„ i":tt is to 1t,:i 4t iltL 2n r recicr1�/'Y`Ci �' 7 the County i'ia:tuce Act ix <br /> s ntozd i-' +u1 t:fra.ko. . .is Idi.4' Le:•:i "GY ,'k:i?Il€1-c ;.: li`i Arffird In sratd, County,. c.ko.: .•.nkr.:i <br /> c1ta11catS t clip.! be s'uixde ts'i ti::© IA: ner ;:ranac.i-i&s.0 by The County Finance Act. <br /> rents motion iuoolt% bceu c uiy ea C:Wi iS by 4.:,ollaminat>zs;t::°x vit;.wvc 1t 6ic: <br /> CelolUnty tJ6.I.L'd: 7.k t."411:Clt1:i:, by tb... v".xaty AccoimWitt Xi':.t' rrQGtattee to the <br /> lif413.4 After :C'Cf:o�113L`.'[Ls1`.S Y:�C::: r viow '.rr' tre pSarc!:bddta -9i`iw,ti! iaa.;i 1.a*r+,)ices. the licit an r&.-4:tr@44.; <br /> by tat+ C:aw zty ..kt;er.1urtrzftt 'AN'41" aP'I,yr7`Ze3 .li r r=%1y:rleut uyJa .vatAicyi1 of Coracnis$i3RC:r Yo ', <br /> t:.e.%:orckti. by Conant Aickme t' !#4i�:..C^S:1y oar; '413anir:'.V".ti"Ey ?C 6:q,tta4. <br /> n!. cttt:fan r akieg.tiae; ttbc ac ;dtioa }i a..1.1A.t:tYe,,i4;j4t1 . atrA'itllo( Er. CJuxti;ilfitti Stirev <br /> S:tbclivieL va ?&t Ct a tt CS: t SrJ: Yt'. ,.: !..IF 1{:1:5iJ1tita ut; :::J's`ttet the ex :OctiC•$ <br /> it3'; reEthaticat <br /> 'j4J1 F.itt.',AS, the sn tt'G'Catcc; a;L't161�..r!' &1t: th:ea ,j;.cc4 wit to Arc p3: C:r:iuty <br /> 1.ati of the County of Lie Fiiqu 3tirig t'.i`SNt tit* "J: e < ahjcri1 nat , thm lacritan14' 'v uth Eta <br /> bet4"113i.1Cdtt' 'iZt re$ Epn the tacil , 51rL,u, i'. C> ii. tii t_14 .S9t ciltf:,r7 f': C SSy;3tC111; A'Aa: <br /> £i1.(5 +5'.ed.fC ci4 County 4;114 1t9,y'rJ.r;:nex'c', ha of tint" opinion that the :i v-: <br /> ti'a scxlbett rack-4 :44cilti b0.". W er' by Vm 5':.v.c.,1,6.ttr'3' :vt f})°P CC'S1 i. if the r^.3a`•P owet6 ii.11iP.:11?ILlt <br /> £Lrra0..a.ttisi wad crt£e rki cat:a*ititcr:, by ttar" "; I CJribeinin ion Iva the a:dltion <br /> tJ t:t;° .+f7:.tera t <br /> T1 i{t,.'rAA:'",.ia E, it it; Kipfioiri,e:4 by the tio.prii a1 County of Ctie <br /> County M 'Lri: that the'a 1'iiyyitu ry Cat mal.,.s1= i5 Ite.tby recp eatie to review the'-7,bo e <br /> eigfCrtheai1 S`'YYi:=u, .021C to Cake over the r:i:5c 'JS Matrktea rico 1f�.MT.et5j'• o atiil>tlr:ntsc: e'4`:iP Car4.ts <br /> a12d criteria. <br /> C'9j;?ailis*aion r :5` :'.44.4 ao'i) t o9. :.'-3':i :,th ;inc.? tij. FS vote 1t °;Ya9:i '+anattIc oirtily <br /> A petition. nictwcatEtv trTiprowenkent . f t° Le.:14;thi t aurth cio!u wa �;Zeckttttee <br /> Yn tit; 1bar , 'CO" 131'.:i's`SiCfa2t'1r Yaw move(, t`'n tG':ii.tptk:in .^i. the foiltmLn?, t f.4'11iiil .t: <br /> -6111.C"4C.AS, ta'£fi; Uaari- ,;y1 Cociaty Coat,;if,usyltiwn '4 tit: 't,rsittriry of Lew 4;i'1 rove x— <br /> ign 3 the co altia,n rt ti ,d ahocet i.czeert►lee ru1G iv now d ixarzt of the gysatu,clx <br /> tagskttnittieti «fy Cbt1 ii"otc f'd,ienutry %,:i1"w t ii';: tadiw zN,i us re;:! Ian t?1G Y,1Lk.Cid`Y:.1 <br /> rasa x; <br /> after. C'aira CYii c'.r1:1416::r:1ti,m of th,,cr tcervieen reelarai by r oc:d ::-i d <br /> the tra r1 Outman of a 14 coG1izt'ye it 14: i:i'C'p?P.4M t y tuit eight.( road tc inlik wca?c Lr 9/refer <br /> to beam asrve tiw thtere,t2. .v this ;v>;,,: .e: :tt to.k. coux ty <br /> ,;. pa..,i1Y•,'"'�i''1'i..itEo`.?:r'si.'.. 3;r: t7, i.`<3Eirt"kW, ii IX, the YUaLY:: ii Loar.ry' 4Caccuulut.i:tneri's <br /> ha-ratC.ty approved =F.^a4"' recgiesit th.t the Saute ;iE,�iv r y ei:Nitcal s10.iay ? Sail'[. the Y':3t1F's itidj irapni t- <br /> s"2:Ca.1th In the.: bcvr.+ cievertiVe_ ?ay.A% <br /> Cit:f::ini tceictrie; rho- t.?a» ,74:1„+a siac.-1 tsv.. e a vote it -;v4aeM1 tiaz<T1iIa2 th;t <br /> EEY{'17tLCi;.:;. <br />