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NOW, THERI°_FORL, BE IT RESULVEt) BY <br />THE BOARD OF COMNWSIONERS FOR TIE COUNTY <br />N' Lkf' <br />1. The toard of C'_'omndesioners does hereby <br />express its appreciation for the life and service of <br />'V1. Underwood, Sr.. as a devoted and unselfish <br />public servant, devout Churchman, and distinguished <br />gentlar~,an. <br />2. The Board of Commissioners extend its <br />deep and sincere sympathy to the members of the feutdly <br />of F. M. Underwood, Sr.. and furnishes them a copy of <br />this resolution as a n swirl of its devotion and rect. <br />'there being no further business to come before the Board. <br />the meeting wasaijourned. <br />Chairman <br />C1Brk <br />