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Miss Mary Latelle Doyle, Hoene b.e=Omist Extention Agent. <br />appeared before the Board and agave a report on the agency's activities. She <br />invited the Hoard to attend the Home Demonstration Club Achievement night at the <br />Courthouse Annex on January 22, 1968, at 7:30 p. m. <br />Mr. Tom Haislip, Agricultural ~ztension Chairman, appeared <br />efore the Foard and gave~ a report on the activities of his agency during the pre- <br />ceding month. <br />The Chairman reported that the State Board of rental Health <br />had mode ravaildble $6, OW, Vj in the grant to the County `;Aea tai Health Board <br />for a study on alcoholism. <br />The Chairman reported to the Board that the a}redical exav"Iner <br />law had been amended in the= last session of the Ceneral Assembly, and the County <br />,gtorney was instructed to ascertain when the next election for Coroner should be <br />held in Lee County. <br />The Chai .ratan repcart+ed that he had received a letter froua the <br />tsorthview Cotn1munity water System, Inc., which set out that they were going to <br />establish a central community water distribution system and had applied to the <br />Farmers Home Administration for assistance in establishing such systeixt. <br />Lyon motion of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by C;omatissioner <br />Wicker, and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLE'i:RD to approve of such action by <br />the corporation. <br />The ineeting recessed for lunch at twelve o`clock noon. <br />The meeting reconvened at two o'cl=k p. m. with ail members <br />present, and Chairman John F. Votterer presiding. The following business was <br />transacted: <br />The use of the Commissioners' Roam by the U. S. Air Force RecrU <br />was authorized and approved. <br />i-tr. Lawry Betts, Attorney, appeared before the Board and re siewea <br />the papers drafted relative to the transfer of the Wilrik Flotel Property. <br />The amounts relative to percentage of value were discussed in detal <br />J. C;. Edwards, Chairman. and Mr. Ben Brooks, Secretary, <br />of the Lee County School Adrninistrative: unit, and 'Mr. J. R. Ingram, Chairman, <br />and Mr. J. F. Hockaday. Secretary, of the Samford City School. Administrative Unit, <br />appeared before the Board and presented resolutions and requested that the Commiss- <br />ioners issue five million dollars in school bonds of wb ch three million would be <br />allocated to the needs of the Sanford City School Administtrative Unit, and two nAmon <br />to the needs of the Lee County School Administrative Lh*. <br />The school authorities requested that the Bond election be held at <br />the time of the primary. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner <br />Yow, at the County Attorney n bwas raze for the eleto had ction to be held in May and could if not, to advis <br />at e February niceting <br />the Chairman who was requested to call a special meeting. <br />The written report of'Y^s. Joan Wood, the Building and Electrical <br />Inspector, was presented to they hoard. <br />Page Two <br />