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con raission of North Carolina an application for its <br />approval of $750, OW in Courthouse Bonds On a forns <br />pr eecrWnd by said Commission. and to state to such <br />application [patch facts and to attach thereto such ito <br />exhibits regarding such bonds and t act by my and financial condition may <br />commission. <br />(2) The Clerk Of the Board Of GOMadsdOw" <br />of intention to <br />is authurUed and directed to love notice fairs swh application containing the information required <br />try law to be published oaaee in each of two SUC:CCSSIVi% <br />weeks in the San€ard Daily Hera" a pal <br />at, is the County of Lee. <br />C4uIwI9simtetr V, trite seconded the wAAot aid it was <br />ad©Vted by a majority vote as follows: <br />AYT-,: McLeod, White- %ic1mr, NOW. <br />NU : DotteMr. <br />ter. Bern Brooks, Superintendent of the Lee County ~8. <br />presmaed a petition from the COUMY Board requesting an election on annexing <br />certain areas to the Samford City native lieut. No formal action was <br />tatlcen at taxis times. <br />Mr. Pidilip l otter appeared before the Board aid preceate:d <br />to the Board copisa of the planning stay on Los. Cotuaty. <br />h,4,. Lo.ry Bam, AttGrWY at Law. appeared before the Board <br />relativ® is the conwysance to the County of a portion of the 'Wilrik Hotel Building. <br />y r. Peas gtreet ¢atead to the Board an aas+esdaraent to the Declaration as requeeted <br />at the lust meeting of this Board. The ieatrument as drafted was approved caul <br />can was autherizW on behalf of the Chairman and Clerk, upon <br />motion of COVaIntsi r Wicker, Ca salanar Whits, on a roil call <br />vanes as follows: <br />AYB. MCLe ad, White, yaiclwr, DMWror' <br />A=AINED; 'Vow. <br />NO: Now. <br />Acting luarsuaat to the by-laws of said coad=4niuaaa, at€tan 1140timn <br />made, duly second0d and unanimously meted. it W= RESOLY6U to eppaiat C.Omm. <br />A. E. White. C4010AWAOWt p. D. wick=, and Wir.'W. B. Wiikins, Directors Of th <br />evilding. <br />UVW r rticat of CoaYUrJedo= McLeod. se=dd by C issione <br />Wiche3r, and unania maly adopted, it was R€°.90LVED to paY ?Ax- Betts Ids fee of <br />litie s its the matter. This was adop <br />$200. Ea and to relieves him of furtbcr reslbl <br />upon a roll call vas as t0llGWsZ' <br />AYE: mc, White, wicker, . Y'ow ad Daterer. <br />NO: Now. <br />There bolas as further buattzss to C=0 bstare the Session, it wa <br />adjourtted, sine die. <br />