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1968 - 02-05-68 Regular Meeting
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1968 - 02-05-68 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
7/15/2010 9:40:14 AM
Creation date
7/15/2010 9:37:06 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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Commiesioner White seconded the uietion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Coiumlasioner "Lead presented a petition requesting the State <br />Highway Coma desios to survey the road known as the Frank Hughes Road. After <br />discuselon, Con.cxuisasioner ?k:cLood moved the adoption of a resolution requesting <br />the State Hioway Commission to survey said road and C;onuauiesioneur White seconded <br />the cuotion and upon a vote It was unanimously adapted. <br />The Clark was requested to write the State highway Ccuumission <br />and request the status of the application pertaining to :secondary Ro2d No. 1179, <br />because in the opinion of the Board It was in need of repair work. The,State High- <br />way Commission was requested also to provide the Board with a list of roads with <br />their priority for work and also a report' as to the status of the petition for the <br />addition of the Winstead Road to than State Maintained System. <br />The Mimes of the Regular Me oting held an January 2nd, 1%8, <br />were approved and ordered recorded. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that au Note, had been recei veld <br />from the family of Mr. In. M. Underwood. Sr.. acknowledging the expressions of <br />sympathy sent upon his passing. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that the farr4ly of'Ar. S. Ray <br />3yeerly had offered to the County his Law Library said office furniture. Upon <br />motion of Cosm uissie r Whites, seconded by Commissioner Yow, it was unasnirn uasly <br />RLSOLVED to race the offer. <br />Um modon of C:omodesioner Mci.oods seconded by C omaAssloner <br />Nicker and u nautimouaslg.eadepted, it was L42SOLVED to authorize the use of the Court- <br />room for five Sundays by tho Christian Susines ett Organization. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Wick-or, seconded by Commissioner <br />Yaw, and unanta:mmly adopters, it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr..Caarl Suclaaaaa, of <br />arosdwsy, North Carolina, to a pwition on the County planning, Board for a three-year <br />terms. <br />Upon.motion of Conwnissioner Wicker, seconded by ComaAssioner <br />rAcLeod, and unanimously adopted, it was RGSOL.VEP to pay County Rua+ployees <br />their full regular salary for any week's service as a juror its the Superior Court <br />provided they not accept the pay as juror. <br />The Chairman reported to the Board that Miss Grace Crabtree <br />had been appointed Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court by Mr. Sion H. Kelly, the <br />Clerk of the Superior C;ourls. Upon iotion;of C.cttt miselae er Youv. seconded by <br />Commissioner Wicker. tatd unsnira ouslq , adapted* was RESOLVED to pay'wiies <br />Crabtree the full salary specified 1n the budget for ant Assistant Clerk of the <br />Superior Court from the day, of her auppolu . <br />The Chairman presented to the Board a report on the Annbulance <br />Service billings and collections for the preceding month. <br />A delegation from the ?dental Health Advisory Board appeared <br />before the Cosa aAssio ears and reviewed various resolutions and afire ea vats which <br />they considered to be necessary for the creation and establishment of the Lee _ <br />Harnett idental Health Advisory Board and is furtherance the application of that <br />Hoard for a grant to construct Mental. Health Clinic. t3rxataBseutonts were made for <br />a joint meeting with the Harnett County C;o aurdssaioners to discuss these resolutions <br />and agreemats. <br />Page Two <br />
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